週1回の短期磁気筋肉療法は、高齢者の運動能力と除脂肪体重を改善する。(NUS study: Brief weekly magnetic muscle therapy improves mobility and lean body mass in older adults)


2023-05-23 シンガポール国立大学(NUS)



週1回の短期磁気筋肉療法は高齢者の運動能力と除脂肪体重を改善する:東南アジアのコミュニティのケーススタディ。 Brief, weekly magnetic muscle therapy improves mobility and lean body mass in older adults: a Southeast Asia community case study

Sharanya Venugobal, Yee Kit Tai, Jorming Goh, Sean Teh1 , Craig Wong, Ivan Goh, Andrea B. Maier, Brian K. Kennedy, Alfredo Franco-Obregón
Aging  Published: March 19, 2023

Individual functional assessments pre- and post-PEMF therapy. (A) Functional tests administered to study participants. Subject performance in the (B) timed-up and go (TUG; seconds), (C) 5X Sit to Stand (5xSTS; seconds), and (D) 4 m normal gait speed (4mNGS; meter/second), measured at baseline (pre-PEMF, week 1) and at week 12 (post-PEMF). Heat maps showing the responses of subjects by color gradient, with darker blue indicating functional improvement, white being the cutoffs based on known consensus for older adults, and red showing a less fit or frail characteristics. A TUG and 5xSTS score of ≥14 and ≥15 seconds, respectively are associated with increased falling risk in older adult [29, 30]. A gait speed of ≤ 0.8 m/s is correlated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes in the older adults [31]. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test and showed significant improvement in mobility function (p


Brief (10 min) weekly exposure to low energy pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) has been shown to improve human muscle mitochondrial bioenergetics and attenuate systemic lipotoxicity following anterior cruciate ligament surgical reconstruction. Here we present data generated from 101 participants, 62% female, aged 38–91 years, recruited from the QuantumTx Demo Centre in Singapore, wherein 87% of participants (n = 88) presented with pre-existing mobility dysfunction and 13% (n = 13) were healthy volunteers. Participants were recruited if: (i) not pregnant; (ii) above 35 years of age and; (iii) without surgical implants. All participants completed mobility testing, pre- and post- PEMF intervention for 12 weeks, whereas bioelectrical impedance analysis was conducted in a subgroup of 42 and 33 participants at weeks 4 and 8, respectively. Weekly PEMF exposure was associated with significant improvements in mobility (Timed Up and Go, 5 times Sit-to-Stand, and 4m Normal Gait Speed) and body composition (increased skeletal muscle mass and reduced total and visceral fat mass), particularly in the older participants. Perception of pain was also significantly reduced. PEMF therapy may provide a manner to counteract age-associated mobility and metabolic disruptions and merits future investigation in randomized controlled trials to elucidate its clinical benefits in the frail and older adult populations.

