新しい脳インプラントが、麻痺のある女性がデジタルアバターを使って話すのを助ける(Novel brain implant helps paralyzed woman speak using a digital avatar)


2023-08-23 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UCB)

◆米国カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校(UCSF)およびカリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UC Berkeley)の研究者チームが、最新の人工知能(AI)技術を活用して、脳信号を言葉と表情に変換する埋め込み型AIデバイスを開発しました。
◆UC BerkeleyのGopala Anumanchipalli准教授とPh.D.学生のKaylo Littlejohnは、この画期的な研究について説明し、脳-コンピュータインターフェースの開発と多様なコミュニケーション手段におけるAIの役割について話しました。


エネルギー効率の高い音声認識と書き起こしのためのアナログAIチップ An analog-AI chip for energy-efficient speech recognition and transcription

S. Ambrogio,P. Narayanan,A. Okazaki,A. Fasoli,C. Mackin,K. Hosokawa,A. Nomura,T. Yasuda,A. Chen,A. Friz,M. Ishii,J. Luquin,Y. Kohda,N. Saulnier,K. Brew,S. Choi,I. Ok,T. Philip,V. Chan,C. Silvestre,I. Ahsan,V. Narayanan,H. Tsai & G. W. Burr
Nature  Published:23 August 2023

新しい脳インプラントが、麻痺のある女性がデジタルアバターを使って話すのを助ける(Novel brain implant helps paralyzed woman speak using a digital avatar)


Models of artificial intelligence (AI) that have billions of parameters can achieve high accuracy across a range of tasks1,2, but they exacerbate the poor energy efficiency of conventional general-purpose processors, such as graphics processing units or central processing units. Analog in-memory computing (analog-AI)3,4,5,6,7 can provide better energy efficiency by performing matrix–vector multiplications in parallel on ‘memory tiles’. However, analog-AI has yet to demonstrate software-equivalent (SWeq) accuracy on models that require many such tiles and efficient communication of neural-network activations between the tiles. Here we present an analog-AI chip that combines 35 million phase-change memory devices across 34 tiles, massively parallel inter-tile communication and analog, low-power peripheral circuitry that can achieve up to 12.4 tera-operations per second per watt (TOPS/W) chip-sustained performance. We demonstrate fully end-to-end SWeq accuracy for a small keyword-spotting network and near-SWeq accuracy on the much larger MLPerf8 recurrent neural-network transducer (RNNT), with more than 45 million weights mapped onto more than 140 million phase-change memory devices across five chips.

重度の四肢および声帯麻痺患者における音声神経人工器官を用いた一般化可能な綴り方 Generalizable spelling using a speech neuroprosthesis in an individual with severe limb and vocal paralysis

Sean L. Metzger,Jessie R. Liu,David A. Moses,Maximilian E. Dougherty,Margaret P. Seaton,Kaylo T. Littlejohn,Josh Chartier,Gopala K. Anumanchipalli,Adelyn Tu-Chan,Karunesh Ganguly & Edward F. Chang
nature  Published:08 November 2022

figure 1


Neuroprostheses have the potential to restore communication to people who cannot speak or type due to paralysis. However, it is unclear if silent attempts to speak can be used to control a communication neuroprosthesis. Here, we translated direct cortical signals in a clinical-trial participant (ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT03698149) with severe limb and vocal-tract paralysis into single letters to spell out full sentences in real time. We used deep-learning and language-modeling techniques to decode letter sequences as the participant attempted to silently spell using code words that represented the 26 English letters (e.g. “alpha” for “a”). We leveraged broad electrode coverage beyond speech-motor cortex to include supplemental control signals from hand cortex and complementary information from low- and high-frequency signal components to improve decoding accuracy. We decoded sentences using words from a 1,152-word vocabulary at a median character error rate of 6.13% and speed of 29.4 characters per minute. In offline simulations, we showed that our approach generalized to large vocabularies containing over 9,000 words (median character error rate of 8.23%). These results illustrate the clinical viability of a silently controlled speech neuroprosthesis to generate sentences from a large vocabulary through a spelling-based approach, complementing previous demonstrations of direct full-word decoding.

無関節症の麻痺者の音声を解読するための人工神経 Neuroprosthesis for Decoding Speech in a Paralyzed Person with Anarthria

David A. Moses,Sean L. Metzger,Jessie R. Liu,Gopala K. Anumanchipalli,Joseph G. Makin,Pengfei F. Sun,Josh Chartier,Maximilian E. Dougherty,Patricia M. Liu,Gary M. Abrams,Adelyn Tu-Chan,Karunesh Ganguly,and Edward F. Chang
New England Journal Medicine  Published:July 15, 2021
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2027540


Technology to restore the ability to communicate in paralyzed persons who cannot speak has the potential to improve autonomy and quality of life. An approach that decodes words and sentences directly from the cerebral cortical activity of such patients may represent an advancement over existing methods for assisted communication.


We implanted a subdural, high-density, multielectrode array over the area of the sensorimotor cortex that controls speech in a person with anarthria (the loss of the ability to articulate speech) and spastic quadriparesis caused by a brain-stem stroke. Over the course of 48 sessions, we recorded 22 hours of cortical activity while the participant attempted to say individual words from a vocabulary set of 50 words. We used deep-learning algorithms to create computational models for the detection and classification of words from patterns in the recorded cortical activity. We applied these computational models, as well as a natural-language model that yielded next-word probabilities given the preceding words in a sequence, to decode full sentences as the participant attempted to say them.

We decoded sentences from the participant’s cortical activity in real time at a median rate of 15.2 words per minute, with a median word error rate of 25.6%. In post hoc analyses, we detected 98% of the attempts by the participant to produce individual words, and we classified words with 47.1% accuracy using cortical signals that were stable throughout the 81-week study period.

In a person with anarthria and spastic quadriparesis caused by a brain-stem stroke, words and sentences were decoded directly from cortical activity during attempted speech with the use of deep-learning models and a natural-language model. (Funded by Facebook and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03698149. opens in new tab.)
