パーキンソン病の進行に深く迫る(A deep look into the progression of Parkinson’s Disease)


2023-09-29 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



安定同位体標識と超高分解能NanoSIMSイメージングにより、αシヌクレインによる生体内神経細胞代謝の変化が明らかになる Stable isotope labeling and ultra-high-resolution NanoSIMS imaging reveal alpha-synuclein-induced changes in neuronal metabolism in vivo

Sofia Spataro,Bohumil Maco,Stéphane Escrig,Louise Jensen,Lubos Polerecky,Graham Knott,Anders Meibom & Bernard L. Schneider
Acta Neuropathologica Communications  Published:29 September 2023

figure 1


In Parkinson’s disease, pathogenic factors such as the intraneuronal accumulation of the protein α-synuclein affect key metabolic processes. New approaches are required to understand how metabolic dysregulations cause degeneration of vulnerable subtypes of neurons in the brain. Here, we apply correlative electron microscopy and NanoSIMS isotopic imaging to map and quantify 13C enrichments in dopaminergic neurons at the subcellular level after pulse-chase administration of 13C-labeled glucose. To model a condition leading to neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease, human α-synuclein was unilaterally overexpressed in the substantia nigra of one brain hemisphere in rats. When comparing neurons overexpressing α-synuclein to those located in the control hemisphere, the carbon anabolism and turnover rates revealed metabolic anomalies in specific neuronal compartments and organelles. Overexpression of α-synuclein enhanced the overall carbon turnover in nigral neurons, despite a lower relative incorporation of carbon inside the nucleus. Furthermore, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus showed metabolic defects consistent with the effects of α-synuclein on inter-organellar communication. By revealing changes in the kinetics of carbon anabolism and turnover at the subcellular level, this approach can be used to explore how neurodegeneration unfolds in specific subpopulations of neurons.

