タンパク質の見落とされていた部分が、生命の基本的な機能に重要であることが明らかになる(Overlooked parts of proteins revealed as critical to fundamental functions of life)


2023-10-06 プリンストン大学



cBAFの活性を制御する無秩序領域が、凝縮とパートナーのリクルートメントを介して機能していることが明らかになった A disordered region controls cBAF activity via condensation and partner recruitment

Ajinkya Patil,Amy R. Strom,Joao A. Paulo,Clayton K. Collings,Kiersten M. Ruff,Min Kyung Shinn,Akshay Sankar,Kasey S. Cervantes,Tobias Wauer,Jessica D. St. Laurent,Grace Xu,Lindsay A. Becker,Steven P. Gygi,Rohit V. Pappu,Clifford P. Brangwynne,Cigall Kadoch
Cell  Published:October 02, 2023

タンパク質の見落とされていた部分が、生命の基本的な機能に重要であることが明らかになる(Overlooked parts of proteins revealed as critical to fundamental functions of life)


•A disordered region of ARID1A/B cBAF subunits controls condensation and interactions
•cBAF targeting and activity require phase separation and functional partner recruitment
•Sequence patterning analysis uncouples grammar of self- and non-self-interactions
•Disease-associated IDR mutations disrupt protein interactions and genomic targeting


Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) represent a large percentage of overall nuclear protein content. The prevailing dogma is that IDRs engage in non-specific interactions because they are poorly constrained by evolutionary selection. Here, we demonstrate that condensate formation and heterotypic interactions are distinct and separable features of an IDR within the ARID1A/B subunits of the mSWI/SNF chromatin remodeler, cBAF, and establish distinct “sequence grammars” underlying each contribution. Condensation is driven by uniformly distributed tyrosine residues, and partner interactions are mediated by non-random blocks rich in alanine, glycine, and glutamine residues. These features concentrate a specific cBAF protein-protein interaction network and are essential for chromatin localization and activity. Importantly, human disease-associated perturbations in ARID1B IDR sequence grammars disrupt cBAF function in cells. Together, these data identify IDR contributions to chromatin remodeling and explain how phase separation provides a mechanism through which both genomic localization and functional partner recruitment are achieved.
