緑豊かな地域は私たちを守る: 細胞レベルで(Greener Neighborhoods Can Protect Us – at the Cellular Level)


2023-10-18 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)



国民健康栄養調査における緑地露出とテロメアの長さの関係 The relationship between greenspace exposure and telomere length in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

S. Scott Ogletree, Jing-Huei Huang, David Reif, Lin Yang, Christopher Dunstan, Nnamdi Osakwe, Jae In Oh, J. Aaron Hipp
Science of The Total Environment  Available online 28 September 2023


•Greenspace exposure found to have an association with telomere length in the NHANES sample.
•Greater neighborhood greenspace associated with longer telomere length considering individual factors.
•When including contextual factors of the neighborhood the relationship becomes non-significant
•Findings point to complex relationship between greenspace exposure and telomere length


The exposome, reflecting the range of environmental exposures individuals encounter throughout their life, can influence a variety of health outcomes and can play a role in how the environment impacts our genes. Telomeres, genetic structures regulating cell growth and senescence, are one pathway through which the exposome may impact health. Greenspace exposure, representing the amount of green areas in one’s neighborhood, is one component of the exposome and has been associated with multiple health benefits. To investigate the potential link between greenspace exposure and telomere length, we analyzed data from the 1999–2001 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) sample. Our study examined individual, risk, and contextual factors. We found that greater greenspace exposure in one’s neighborhood was associated with longer telomere lengths when considering individual and risk factors, suggesting a positive effect of living in greener neighborhoods. However, this relationship became non-significant when contextual factors, such as air pollution and deprivation, were included in the analysis. These findings highlight a complex relationship between greenspace and telomere length, warranting further research to explore contextual factors in detail.

Graphical abstract

緑豊かな地域は私たちを守る: 細胞レベルで(Greener Neighborhoods Can Protect Us – at the Cellular Level)
