外耳道に装着する小型装置で心臓の健康状態をモニターできることを示す研究結果(Research shows how a tiny device in the ear canal can monitor heart health


2024-01-16 インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(ICL)

◆イギリスの帝国カレッジ電気電子工学部のMetin Yarici博士率いる研究チームが初めて、単一の耳の中の微小なデバイスがリアルタイムで心電図(ECG)データを収集する方法を示しました。これにより、心拍数だけでなく、心臓の電流を正確かつ違和感なく測定し、不整脈を診断することが可能です。


Hearables:耳から心臓のリズムを記録する実現可能性 Hearables: feasibility of recording cardiac rhythms from single in-ear locations

Metin Yarici,Wilhelm Von Rosenberg,Ghena Hammour,Harry Davies,Pierluigi Amadori,Nico Ling,Yiannis DemirisandDanilo P. Mandic
Royal Society Journal of Open Science  Published:03 January 2024

外耳道に装着する小型装置で心臓の健康状態をモニターできることを示す研究結果(Research shows how a tiny device in the ear canal can monitor heart health


The ear is well positioned to accommodate both brain and vital signs monitoring, via so-called hearable devices. Consequently, ear-based electroencephalography has recently garnered great interest. However, despite the considerable potential of hearable based cardiac monitoring, the biophysics and characteristic cardiac rhythm of ear-based electrocardiography (ECG) are not yet well understood. To this end, we map the cardiac potential on the ear through volume conductor modelling and measurements on multiple subjects. In addition, in order to demonstrate real-world feasibility of in-ear ECG, measurements are conducted throughout a long-time simulated driving task. As a means of evaluation, the correspondence between the cardiac rhythms obtained via the ear-based and standard Lead I measurements, with respect to the shape and timing of the cardiac rhythm, is verified through three measures of similarity: the Pearson correlation, and measures of amplitude and timing deviations. A high correspondence between the cardiac rhythms obtained via the ear-based and Lead I measurements is rigorously confirmed through agreement between simulation and measurement, while the real-world feasibility was conclusively demonstrated through efficacious cardiac rhythm monitoring during prolonged driving. This work opens new avenues for seamless, hearable-based cardiac monitoring that extends beyond heart rate detection to offer cardiac rhythm examination in the community.
