家族や友人は有名人よりも効果的な健康ロールモデルになりうる(Family, friends can be more effective health role models than celebrities)


2024-06-25 ワシントン州立大学(WSU)



インフルエンサー時代の健康モチベーション: エンターテイメント、個人、ソーシャルメディアのロールモデルを分析する Health Motivation in the Influencer Era: Analyzing Entertainment, Personal, and Social Media Role Models

Nicole H. O’Donnell,Sara Erlichman,& Christina G. Nickerson
Health Communication  Published:30 Apr 2024


This research explored how personal and entertainment role models motivate an individual’s health goals, and how following a role model on social media affects this process. A survey of 404 adults revealed that identifying a personal role model, such as a family member, friend, or healthcare professional, had a stronger influence on health motivation in comparison to identifying an entertainment role model. Additionally, our findings indicated that following any role model on social media, whether a personal acquaintance or a celebrity, enhanced motivation. Role model attributes that mediated these relationships included perceived similarity, and in some instances, positive and negative norm deviance. This study highlights the importance of leveraging role model relationships in health communication campaigns and developing authentic influencer-driven health initiatives that feature relatable entertainment figures. Additionally, this research supports the need for further examination of how a role model’s perceived positive or negative norm deviance influences motivational capability. We discuss implications for the motivational theory of role modeling, health promotion, and entertainment education.
