磁界で脳をコントロールする新技術を開発(New Technology to Control the Brain Using Magnetic Fields Developed)


2024-07-17 韓国基礎科学研究院(IBS)

韓国の基礎科学研究所(IBS)と延世大学の研究者が、磁場を用いて脳の特定領域を操作する世界初の技術「Nano-MIND」を開発しました。これは無線かつ遠隔で脳内の特定神経回路を精密に制御するもので、認知、感情、動機づけなどの高次脳機能の理解に繋がります。研究では、内側視床前野(MPOA)を活性化して非母性の雌マウスに母性行動を誘発し、外側視床下部の動機回路をターゲットにして摂食行動を制御しました。この技術により、高次脳機能を双方向に調整することが可能となり、神経科学や治療法の発展に寄与する可能性があります。研究結果は2023年7月3日に『Nature Nanotechnology』に掲載されました。


In vivo磁気遺伝学による脳回路の細胞タイプ特異的ターゲティングと制御 In vivo magnetogenetics for cell-type-specific targeting and modulation of brain circuits

Seo-Hyun Choi,Jihye Shin,Chanhyun Park,Jung-uk Lee,Jaegyeong Lee,Yuko Ambo,Wookjin Shin,Ri Yu,Ju-Young Kim,Jungsu David Lah,Donghun Shin,Gooreum Kim,Kunwoo Noh,Wuhyun Koh,C. Justin Lee,Jae-Hyun Lee,Minsuk Kwak & Jinwoo Cheon
Nature Nanotechnology  Published:02 July 2024

磁界で脳をコントロールする新技術を開発(New Technology to Control the Brain Using Magnetic Fields Developed)


Neuromodulation technologies are crucial for investigating neuronal connectivity and brain function. Magnetic neuromodulation offers wireless and remote deep brain stimulations that are lacking in optogenetic- and wired-electrode-based tools. However, due to the limited understanding of working principles and poorly designed magnetic operating systems, earlier magnetic approaches have yet to be utilized. Furthermore, despite its importance in neuroscience research, cell-type-specific magnetic neuromodulation has remained elusive. Here we present a nanomaterials-based magnetogenetic toolbox, in conjunction with Cre-loxP technology, to selectively activate genetically encoded Piezo1 ion channels in targeted neuronal populations via torque generated by the nanomagnetic actuators in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate this cell-type-targeting magnetic approach for remote and spatiotemporal precise control of deep brain neural activity in multiple behavioural models, such as bidirectional feeding control, long-term neuromodulation for weight control in obese mice and wireless modulation of social behaviours in multiple mice in the same physical space. Our study demonstrates the potential of cell-type-specific magnetogenetics as an effective and reliable research tool for life sciences, especially in wireless, long-term and freely behaving animals.
