気分の良し悪しは出来事よりも特性によって形成されることが研究で判明(Feelgood factor shaped by traits more than events, study finds)


2024-07-29  エディンバラ大学

研究者によると、社会的なサークル、収入、健康といった要因は幸福感に影響を与えるが、これらの影響は以前考えられていたほど大きくないことが分かりました。エジンバラ大学とタルトゥ大学のチームは、新たな方法で幸福感と性格の関係を調査しました。自己評価に依存しないために、20,000人以上の参加者に自己評価と他者評価を行い、二つの情報源をクロスリファレンスしました。その結果、性格特性が幸福感に強く関連していることが明らかになり、約80%の幸福感の違いは性格に由来することが示されました。この研究は「Journal of Personality and Social Psychology」に掲載されました。


ほとんどの人の人生満足度は性格特性と一致する: 多特性、多評価者、多標本データにおける真の相関関係。 Most people’s life satisfaction matches their personality traits: True correlations in multitrait, multirater, multisample data.

Mõttus, René Realo, Anu Allik, Jüri Ausmees, Liisi Henry, Samuel McCrae, Robert R. Vainik, Uku
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology  Published:2024


Despite numerous meta-analyses, the true extent to which life satisfaction reflects personality traits has remained unclear due to overreliance on a single method to assess both and insufficient attention to construct overlaps. Using data from three samples tested in different languages (Estonian, N = 20,886; Russian, N = 768; English, N = 600), we combined self- and informant-reports to estimate personality domains’ and nuances’ true correlations (rtrue) with general life satisfaction (LS) and satisfactions with eight life domains (DSs), while controlling for single-method and occasion-specific biases and random error, and avoiding direct construct overlaps. The associations replicated well across samples. The Big Five domains and nuances allowed predicting LS with accuracies up to rtrue ≈ .80–.90 in independent (sub)samples. Emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness correlated rtrue ≈ .30–.50 with LS, while its correlations with openness and agreeableness were small. At the nuances level, low LS was most strongly associated with feeling misunderstood, unexcited, indecisive, envious, bored, used, unable, and unrewarded (rtrue ≈ .40–.70). Supporting LS’s construct validity, DSs had similar personality correlates among themselves and with LS, and an aggregated DS correlated rtrue ≈ .90 with LS. LS’s approximately 10-year stability was rtrue = .70 and its longitudinal associations with personality traits mirrored cross-sectional ones. We conclude that without common measurement limitations, most people’s life satisfaction is highly consistent with their personality traits, even across many years. So, satisfaction is usually shaped by these same relatively stable factors that shape personality traits more broadly. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
