生物学的センシングのパワーと効率を記録的なレベルにまで高めた研究者たち(Researchers take power and efficiency of biological sensing to record level)


2024-09-16 アリゾナ大学

アリゾナ大学の研究者が、極微量の物質を検出できる新しい生物感知技術を開発しました。この技術はゼプトモル濃度での検出を可能にし、薬物検査や環境毒素、化学兵器の検出、食品の品質管理、がん検査などに応用できる可能性があります。FLOWERデバイスを用いたこの技術は、タグ付けなしで物質を検出でき、薬物開発の効率を向上させると期待されています。この研究は*Nature Communications*に発表されました。


周波数同期型光マイクロ共振器を用いたゼプトモル濃度での膜結合イベントのラベルフリー・リアルタイム・モニタリング Label-free, real-time monitoring of membrane binding events at zeptomolar concentrations using frequency-locked optical microresonators

Adley Gin,Phuong-Diem Nguyen,Jeffrey E. Melzer,Cheng Li,Hannah Strzelinski,Stephen B. Liggett & Judith Su
Nature Communications  Published:28 August 2024

生物学的センシングのパワーと効率を記録的なレベルにまで高めた研究者たち(Researchers take power and efficiency of biological sensing to record level)


G-protein coupled receptors help regulate cellular function and communication, and are targets of small molecule drug discovery efforts. Conventional techniques to probe these interactions require labels and large amounts of receptor to achieve satisfactory sensitivity. Here, we use frequency-locked optical microtoroids for label-free characterization of membrane interactions in vitro at zeptomolar concentrations for the kappa opioid receptor and its native agonist dynorphin A 1-13, as well as big dynorphin (dynorphin A and dynorphin B) using a supported biomimetic membrane. The measured affinity of the agonist dynorphin A 1-13 to the κ-opioid receptor was also measured and found to be 3.1 nM. Radioligand assays revealed a dissociation constant in agreement with this value (1.1 nM). The limit of detection for the κOR/DynA 1-13 was calculated as 180 zM. The binding of Cholera Toxin B-monosialotetrahexosyl ganglioside was also monitored in real-time and an equilibrium dissociation constant of 1.53 nM was found. Our biosensing platform provides a method for highly sensitive real-time characterization of membrane embedded protein binding kinetics that is rapid and label-free, for drug discovery and toxin screening among other applications.
