2025-03-03 中国科学院
- https://english.cas.cn/newsroom/cas_media/202503/t20250303_902840.shtml
- https://zse.pensoft.net/article/137363/
中国北部に生息する新種トゲドジョウ Cobitis beijingensis (コイ目コイ科) Cobitis beijingensis, a new spined loach from northern China (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae)
Zhi-Xian Sun, Xue-Yuan Li, Xue-Jian Li, Jun-Yuan Hao, Dong Sheng, Ya-Hui Zhao
Zoosystematics and Evolution Published:02 Jan 2025
A new spined loach, Cobitis beijingensis, is described from Beijing, China. The new species can be distinguished from other congeners by a combination of characters: 1) Lamina circularis on pectoral fin of male elongated, posterior margin slightly serrated; 2) possessing 14–18 (mode 15) pre-pelvic myotomes; 3) pelvic fin inserted below 3rd–5th branched dorsal-fin ray; 4) total vertebrae 4+ 36–38 (mode 37); 5) L2 of the Gambetta’s pattern does not exist or is fused with L1. The molecular phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial Cyt b also support C. beijingensis to be a new species.