良い子育ては助けになるが、大きな困窮下では限界がある(Good parenting helps, but has limits under major deprivation)


2025-03-10 ワシントン大学セントルイス校

ワシントン大学の研究者たちは、重大な欠乏状態における親の良好な養育が、子供の発達にどの程度影響を及ぼすかを調査しました。 その結果、良好な養育は子供の発達にプラスの影響を与えるものの、重大な欠乏状態下ではその効果が限定的であることが示されました。この研究は、社会的支援や政策介入が、欠乏状態にある家庭の子供たちの健全な発達を促進する上で重要であることを示唆しています。


2歳時点での子育てと認知・言語能力との関連は、出生前の不利な状況への曝露に依存する Associations between Parenting and Cognitive and Language Abilities at 2 Years of Age Depend on Prenatal Exposure to Disadvantage

Shelby D. Leverett, MS∙ Rebecca G. Brady, PhD∙ Ursula A. Tooley, PhD∙ … ∙ Christopher D. Smyser, MD∙ Cynthia E. Rogers, MD∙ Deanna M. Barch, PhD
The Journal of Pediatrics  September 1, 2024

良い子育ては助けになるが、大きな困窮下では限界がある(Good parenting helps, but has limits under major deprivation)


To investigate whether parenting or neonatal brain volumes mediate associations between prenatal social disadvantage (PSD) and cognitive/language abilities and whether these mechanisms vary by level of disadvantage.

Study design
Pregnant women were recruited prospectively from obstetric clinics in St Louis, Missouri. PSD encompassed access to social (eg, education) and material (eg, income to needs, health insurance, area deprivation, and nutrition) resources during pregnancy. Neonates underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging. Mother-child dyads (n = 202) returned at age 1 year for parenting observations and at age 2 years for cognition/language assessments (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition). Generalized additive and mediation models tested hypotheses.

Greater PSD associated nonlinearly with poorer cognitive/language scores. Associations between parenting and cognition/language were moderated by disadvantage, such that supportive and nonsupportive parenting behaviors related only to cognition/language in children with lesser PSD. Parenting mediation effects differed by level of disadvantage: both supportive and nonsupportive parenting mediated PSD-cognition/language associations in children with lesser disadvantage, but not in children with greater disadvantage. PSD-associated reductions in neonatal subcortical grey matter (β = 0.19; q = 0.03), white matter (β = 0.23; q = 0.02), and total brain volume (β = 0.18; q = 0.03) were associated with lower cognition, but did not mediate the associations between PSD and cognition.

Parenting moderates and mediates associations between PSD and early cognition and language, but only in families with less social disadvantage. These findings, although correlational, suggest that there may be a critical threshold of disadvantage, below which mediating or moderating factors become less effective, highlighting the importance of reducing disadvantage as primary prevention.
