

2025-03-12 東京科学大学

東京科学大学、岡山大学、東京大学の合同研究チームは、大腸菌をモデルとして、リボソーム機能を阻害する新たな難翻訳配列を発見しました。 これらの配列は、リボソーム内で特異な「ヘアピン」状の構造を形成し、タンパク質合成を停止させることが明らかになりました。さらに、細胞内のアミノ酸濃度が高い場合、この翻訳阻害が回避されるメカニズムも解明され、遺伝子発現制御の新たな理解につながる可能性があります。


ミニヘアピン形状の新生ペプチドは翻訳終結を特異的なメカニズムで阻害する A mini-hairpin shaped nascent peptide blocks translation termination by a distinct mechanism

Yushin Ando,Akinao Kobo,Tatsuya Niwa,Ayako Yamakawa,Suzuna Konoma,Yuki Kobayashi,Osamu Nureki,Hideki Taguchi,Yuzuru Itoh & Yuhei Chadani
Nature Communications  Published:08 March 2025



Protein synthesis by ribosomes produces functional proteins but also serves diverse regulatory functions, which depend on the coding amino acid sequences. Certain nascent peptides interact with the ribosome exit tunnel to arrest translation and modulate themselves or the expression of downstream genes. However, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of such ribosome stalling and its regulation remains elusive. In this study, we systematically screen for unidentified ribosome arrest peptides through phenotypic evaluation, proteomics, and mass spectrometry analyses, leading to the discovery of the arrest peptides PepNL and NanCL in E. coli. Our cryo-EM study on PepNL reveals a distinct arrest mechanism, in which the N-terminus of PepNL folds back towards the tunnel entrance to prevent the catalytic GGQ motif of the release factor from accessing the peptidyl transferase center, causing translation arrest at the UGA stop codon. Furthermore, unlike sensory arrest peptides that require an arrest inducer, PepNL uses tryptophan as an arrest inhibitor, where Trp-tRNATrp reads through the stop codon. Our findings illuminate the mechanism and regulatory framework of nascent peptide-induced translation arrest, paving the way for exploring regulatory nascent peptides.
