富の不平等は動物社会も苦しめる(Wealth inequality plagues animal societies too)


人間の不平等に関する研究からヒントを得て、動物集団の進化を学ぶ新しいレビュー New review draws inspiration from studies into human inequality to learn about the evolution of animal groups

2022-05-03 マックス・プランク研究所



動物社会における富の不平等の生態学 The ecology of wealth inequality in animal societies

Eli D. Strauss and Daizaburo Shizuka
Proceedings of the Royal Society  Published:04 May 2022

Figure 1.


Individuals vary in their access to resources, social connections and phenotypic traits, and a central goal of evolutionary biology is to understand how this variation arises and influences fitness. Parallel research on humans has focused on the causes and consequences of variation in material possessions, opportunity and health. Central to both fields of study is that unequal distribution of wealth is an important component of social structure that drives variation in relevant outcomes. Here, we advance a research framework and agenda for studying wealth inequality within an ecological and evolutionary context. This ecology of inequality approach presents the opportunity to reintegrate key evolutionary concepts as different dimensions of the link between wealth and fitness by (i) developing measures of wealth and inequality as taxonomically broad features of societies, (ii) considering how feedback loops link inequality to individual and societal outcomes, (iii) exploring the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of what makes some societies more unequal than others, and (iv) studying the long-term dynamics of inequality as a central component of social evolution. We hope that this framework will facilitate a cohesive understanding of inequality as a widespread biological phenomenon and clarify the role of social systems as central to evolutionary biology.

