田舎のアリが街に繰り出すとき(When country ants go to town)


開発、都市スプロールによって妨害されたアリの行動と生理的変化の研究 Study shows behavioral, physiological changes in ants disturbed by development, urban sprawl

2022-09-29 テキサス A&M大学

田舎のアリが街に繰り出すとき(When country ants go to town)
Research focused on changes in ants physiology and behavior based on their environment hopes to shed light on other ant and animal species that evolve amid urbanization. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Michael Miller)

この研究では、一般に家アリや砂糖アリとして知られる比較的小型のアリ、Tapinoma sessileに注目した。このアリは、全米で最も一般的な家屋侵入型アリである。


都市に生息する外来生物Tapinoma sessileの都市適応の一貫した特徴 Consistent signatures of urban adaptation in a native, urban invader ant Tapinoma sessile

Alexander J. Blumenfeld,Pierre-André Eyer,Anjel M. Helms,Grzegorz Buczkowski,Edward L. Vargo
Molecular Ecology  Published: 22 September 2021


Biological invasions are becoming more prevalent due to the rise of global trade and expansion of urban areas. Ants are among the most prolific invaders with many exhibiting a multiqueen colony structure, dependent colony foundation and reduced internest aggression. Although these characteristics are generally associated with the invasions of exotic ants, they may also facilitate the spread of native ants into novel habitats. Native to diverse habitats across North America, the odorous house ant Tapinoma sessile has become abundant in urban environments throughout the United States. Natural colonies typically have a small workforce, inhabit a single nest, and are headed by a single queen, whereas urban colonies tend to be several orders of magnitude larger, inhabit multiple nests (i.e., polydomy) and are headed by multiple queens (i.e., polygyny). Here, we explore and compare the population genetic and breeding structure of T. sessile within and between urban and natural environments in several localities across its distribution range. We found the social structure of a colony to be a plastic trait in both habitats, although extreme polygyny was confined to urban habitats. Additionally, polydomous colonies were only present in urban habitats, suggesting T. sessile can only achieve supercoloniality within urbanized areas. Finally, we identified strong differentiation between urban and natural populations in each locality and continent-wide, indicating cities may restrict gene flow and exert intense selection pressure. Overall, our study highlights urbanization’s influence in charting the evolutionary course for species.
