頭頸部癌の遺伝的要因の解析(Parsing the Genetic Drivers of Head and Neck Cancers)


ヒト乳頭腫ウイルスが原因の場合もあるが、最も致死率の高い頭頸部がんは染色体異常と関連していることが、新しい研究で明らかになった。 Human papilloma virus causes some cases, but the most lethal form of head and neck cancer is linked to chromosomal alterations; a new study sharpens that association and hints of more effective treatment options

2022-11-17 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

研究者らは、9p-gain 症例、すなわち 9p24.1 band の発現が 60 パーセンタイル以上の腫瘍を治療した場合、化学療法と比較して生存率中央値が 3 倍高くなることを発見した(ただし転写閾値以下)。10 の固形癌の全エクソーム解析から、これらの 9p 関連 ICT 所見が、9p24.1 gain と免疫反応の関連が存在する扁平上皮癌と関連している可能性があることが示された。


HPV感染頭頸部扁平上皮癌における体細胞9p24.1の変化は、免疫微小環境と抗PD-1チェックポイント阻害剤活性を規定する Somatic 9p24.1 alterations in HPV– head and neck squamous cancer dictate immune microenvironment and anti-PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor activity

Xin Zhao, Ezra E. W. Cohen, William N. William Jr, Joy J. Bianchi, Jim P. Abraham, Daniel Magee, David B. Spetzler, J. Silvio Gutkind, Ludmil B. Alexandrov, Webster K. Cavenee,ScottM.Lippman slippman and Teresa Davoli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:November 17, 2022

頭頸部癌の遺伝的要因の解析(Parsing the Genetic Drivers of Head and Neck Cancers)


Despite remarkable advances in immune-checkpoint therapy (ICT) for human papillomavirus–negative (HPV) head and neck squamous cancer (HNSC), drug resistance remains prevalent, poorly understood, and largely unidentified by existing biomarker tests. Somatic alterations of interferon or interferon-pathway genes, many on chromosome 9p, predict immune-cold, ICT-resistant tumors; genomic regions mediating these effects, however, are unclear and likely tissue specific. Multiomic analyses of HPV HNSC cohorts identified preferential 9p24.1–immune oncology (IO) associations: copy-number losses with immune-cold, ICT-resistant and gains with immune-hot, ICT-responsive disease. At a 9p24.1 expression threshold of 60th percentile, ICT median survival was 3-fold higher than chemotherapy; below this threshold, chemotherapy survival rates exceeded ICT. These 9p-IO findings reveal novel genetically defined ICT resistance and sensitivity in HPV squamous tumors.


Somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs), generally (1) losses containing interferons and interferon-pathway genes, many on chromosome 9p, predict immune-cold, immune checkpoint therapy (ICT)-resistant tumors (2); however, genomic regions mediating these effects are unclear and probably tissue specific. Previously, 9p21.3 loss was found to be an early genetic driver of human papillomavirus–negative (HPV) head and neck squamous cancer (HNSC), associated with an immune-cold tumor microenvironment (TME) signal, and recent evidence suggested that this TME-cold phenotype was greatly enhanced with 9p21 deletion size, notably encompassing band 9p24.1 (3). Here, we report multi-omic, -threshold and continuous-variable dissection of 9p21 and 9p24 loci (including depth and degree of somatic alteration of each band at each locus, and each gene at each band) and TME of four HPV HNSC cohorts. Preferential 9p24 deletion, CD8 T-cell immune-cold associations were observed, driven by 9p24.1 loss, and in turn by an essential telomeric regulatory gene element, JAK2-CD274. Surprisingly, same genetic region gains were immune hot. Related 9p21-TME analyses were less evident. Inherent 9p-band-level influences on anti-PD1 ICT survival rates, coincident with TME patterns, were also observed. At a 9p24.1 whole-transcriptome expression threshold of 60th percentile, ICT survival rate exceeded that of lower expression percentiles and of chemotherapy; below this transcript threshold, ICT survival was inferior to chemotherapy, the latter unaffected by 9p24.1 expression level (P-values < 0.01, including in a PD-L1 immunohistochemistry-positive patient subgroup). Whole-exome analyses of 10 solid-tumor types suggest that these 9p-related ICT findings could be relevant to squamous cancers, in which 9p24.1 gain/immune-hot associations exist.
