2023-01-11 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)
「モデル化における最大の課題の1つは、不確実なパラメータを扱うことです」と、NC Stateの数学助教授でこの研究の筆頭著者であるMohammad Farazmand氏は述べています。
「その代わりに、個人の接触について合理的な仮定を立て、それに基づいて不確実性をモデル化すれば、モデルに加えるノイズは時間的に相関し、結果は現実にうまく対応するようになる」。幸運なことに、まさにそれを実現する相関プロセスがすでに存在しています – Ornstein-Uhlenbeckプロセスです。Farazmand氏がOrnstein-Uhlenbeck過程をモデルに適用したところ,Omicron変種の拡散に関する実際のデータと,モデルの予測がより近く対応するようになった.
この研究は、Proceedings of the Royal Society Aに掲載されています。 NC Stateの元ポスドク研究員で、現在ワシントン大学にいるMamisが筆頭著者です。
- https://news.ncsu.edu/2023/01/researchers-improve-pandemic-prediction-model/
- https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspa.2022.0568
COVID-19パンデミックの確率的コンパートメントモデルには、時間的に相関のある不確実性が必要である Stochastic compartmental models of the COVID-19 pandemic must have temporally correlated uncertainties
Konstantinos Mamis and Mohammad Farazmand
Proceedings of the Royal Society A Published:11 January 2023
Compartmental models are an important quantitative tool in epidemiology, enabling us to forecast the course of a communicable disease. However, the model parameters, such as the infectivity rate of the disease, are riddled with uncertainties, which has motivated the development and use of stochastic compartmental models. Here, we first show that a common stochastic model, which treats the uncertainties as white noise, is fundamentally flawed since it erroneously implies that greater parameter uncertainties will lead to the eradication of the disease. Then, we present a principled modelling of the uncertainties based on reasonable assumptions on the contacts of each individual. Using the central limit theorem and Doob’s theorem on Gaussian Markov processes, we prove that the correlated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) process is the appropriate tool for modelling uncertainties in the infectivity rate. We demonstrate our results using a compartmental model of the COVID-19 pandemic and the available US data from the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 database. In particular, we show that the white noise stochastic model systematically underestimates the severity of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, whereas the OU model correctly forecasts the course of this variant. Moreover, using an SIS model of sexually transmitted disease, we derive an exact closed-form solution for the final distribution of infected individuals. This analytical result shows that the white noise model underestimates the severity of the pandemic because of unrealistic noise-induced transitions. Our results strongly support the need for temporal correlations in modelling of uncertainties in compartmental models of infectious disease.