PTSDの生物学的起源に光を当てる:タフツ大学率いる研究チームは、心的外傷後ストレス障害の発症しやすさを示す脳内マーカーを発見した(Shining a Light on the Biological Origins of PTSD:A Tufts-led team finds a brain marker that indicates vulnerability to developing post-traumatic stress disorder)


2023-01-31 タフツ大学

PTSDの生物学的起源に光を当てる:タフツ大学率いる研究チームは、心的外傷後ストレス障害の発症しやすさを示す脳内マーカーを発見した(Shining a Light on the Biological Origins of PTSD:A Tufts-led team finds a brain marker that indicates vulnerability to developing post-traumatic stress disorder)
“Every time we experience something that could be potentially threatening in our environment, the amygdala starts a chain of reaction of responses in the brain,” says Cecilia Hinojosa. Illustration: iStock



曖昧な表情に対する扁桃体活性化の亢進は、心的外傷後ストレス障害の家族性脆弱性因子である Exaggerated amygdala activation to ambiguous facial expressions is a familial vulnerability factor for posttraumatic stress disorder

Cecilia A.Hinojosa,Michael B.Van Elzakker,Katherine C.Hughes,Reid Offringa,Lisa M.Sangermano,Isabella G.Spaulding,Lindsay K.Staples-Bradley,Ethan T.Whitman,Natasha B.Lasko,Scott L.Rauch,Scott P.Orr,Roger K.Pitman,Lisa M.Shin
Journal of Psychiatric Research  Available online: 21 October 2022


Previous research has reported hyperresponsivity in the amygdala and hyporesponsivity in ventral portions of the medial prefrontal cortex to threat-related stimuli in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Whether such findings generalize to more ambiguous stimuli and whether such brain activation abnormalities reflect familial vulnerabilities, trauma-exposure, or acquired characteristics of PTSD remain unclear. In this study, we measured brain responses to emotionally ambiguous stimuli (i.e., surprised facial expressions) in identical twin pairs discordant for trauma exposure to elucidate the origin of brain activation abnormalities.

Participants with PTSD (n = 12) and their trauma-unexposed identical cotwins (n = 12), as well as trauma-exposed participants without PTSD (n = 15) and their trauma-unexposed identical cotwins (n = 15), passively viewed surprised and neutral facial expressions during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Afterward, participants labeled and rated each facial expression on valence and arousal.

Amygdala activation to Surprised and Neutral facial expressions (versus Fixation) was greater in the participants with PTSD and their trauma-unexposed identical cotwins without PTSD, compared to the control twin pairs. In contrast, medial frontal gyrus (MFG) activation to Surprised facial expressions (versus Fixation) was diminished in the PTSD group relative to the other three groups.

Amygdala hyperresponsivity to emotionally ambiguous facial expressions may be a familial vulnerability factor that increases the likelihood of developing PTSD after experiencing a traumatic event. In contrast, MFG hyporesponsivity may be an acquired characteristic of the disorder.
