幹細胞研究を一変させる「ビレッジ」アプローチ(‘Village’ approach to transform stem cell research)


2023-06-15 ニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW)

◆数百人分の幹細胞サンプルを同じ培養皿で研究する新しい方法が、個別の治療や複雑な人間の特性の研究に革命をもたらす可能性があります。この革新的な「村の皿」システムにより、大勢のドナーからの幹細胞を同時に培養し研究することができ、従来の研究に比べて100倍効率的になります。このシステムは、ガーバン研究所とUNSWの研究者によって開発され、Nature Communications誌に掲載されました。


集団規模のhiPSC研究のための皿の中の村モデルシステム A village in a dish model system for population-scale hiPSC studies

Drew R. Neavin,Angela M. Steinmann,Nona Farbehi,Han Sheng Chiu,Maciej S. Daniszewski,Himanshi Arora,Yasmin Bermudez,Cátia Moutinho,Chia-Ling Chan,Monique Bax,Mubarika Tyebally,Vikkitharan Gnanasambandapillai,Chuan E. Lam,Uyen Nguyen,Damián Hernández,Grace E. Lidgerwood,Robert M. Graham,Alex W. Hewitt,Alice Pébay,Nathan J. Palpant & Joseph E. Powell
Nature Communications  Published:09 June 2023

幹細胞研究を一変させる「ビレッジ」アプローチ(‘Village’ approach to transform stem cell research)


The mechanisms by which DNA alleles contribute to disease risk, drug response, and other human phenotypes are highly context-specific, varying across cell types and different conditions. Human induced pluripotent stem cells are uniquely suited to study these context-dependent effects but cell lines from hundreds or thousands of individuals are required. Village cultures, where multiple induced pluripotent stem lines are cultured and differentiated in a single dish, provide an elegant solution for scaling induced pluripotent stem experiments to the necessary sample sizes required for population-scale studies. Here, we show the utility of village models, demonstrating how cells can be assigned to an induced pluripotent stem line using single-cell sequencing and illustrating that the genetic, epigenetic or induced pluripotent stem line-specific effects explain a large percentage of gene expression variation for many genes. We demonstrate that village methods can effectively detect induced pluripotent stem line-specific effects, including sensitive dynamics of cell states.
