細胞膜のないコンパートメントをマッピングする(Mapping the cell’s membrane-less compartments)


2023-10-25 ワシントン大学セントルイス校



タンパク質混合物の相分離はホモ型相互作用とヘテロ型相互作用の相互作用によって駆動される Phase separation of protein mixtures is driven by the interplay of homotypic and heterotypic interactions

Mina Farag,Wade M. Borcherds,Anne Bremer,Tanja Mittag & Rohit V. Pappu
Nature Communications  Published:08 September 2023

細胞膜のないコンパートメントをマッピングする(Mapping the cell’s membrane-less compartments)


Prion-like low-complexity domains (PLCDs) are involved in the formation and regulation of distinct biomolecular condensates that form via phase separation coupled to percolation. Intracellular condensates often encompass numerous distinct proteins with PLCDs. Here, we combine simulations and experiments to study mixtures of PLCDs from two RNA-binding proteins, hnRNPA1 and FUS. Using simulations and experiments, we find that 1:1 mixtures of A1-LCD and FUS-LCD undergo phase separation more readily than either of the PLCDs on their own due to complementary electrostatic interactions. Tie line analysis reveals that stoichiometric ratios of different components and their sequence-encoded interactions contribute jointly to the driving forces for condensate formation. Simulations also show that the spatial organization of PLCDs within condensates is governed by relative strengths of homotypic versus heterotypic interactions. We uncover rules for how interaction strengths and sequence lengths modulate conformational preferences of molecules at interfaces of condensates formed by mixtures of proteins.
