AIが神経変性疾患研究に新たな知見をもたらす(AI unlocks new insights in neurodegenerative disease research)


2023-12-12 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

◆スイスのEPFL(Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)の研究者は、新しい手法「LINA」を開発し、神経変性疾患の中心的なプロセスであるタンパク質凝集体を蛍光ラベリングなしで同定できるようにしました。LINAは深層学習を活用し、生きた細胞からの伝達光画像を分析してタンパク質凝集体を同定します。


ディープラーニングを用いたタンパク質凝集体のラベルフリー同定 Label-free identification of protein aggregates using deep learning

Khalid A. Ibrahim,Kristin S. Grußmayer,Nathan Riguet,Lely Feletti,Hilal A. Lashuel & Aleksandra Radenovic
Nature Communications  Published:28 November 2023

AIが神経変性疾患研究に新たな知見をもたらす(AI unlocks new insights in neurodegenerative disease research)


Protein misfolding and aggregation play central roles in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), including Huntington’s disease, which is caused by a genetic mutation in exon 1 of the Huntingtin protein (Httex1). The fluorescent labels commonly used to visualize and monitor the dynamics of protein expression have been shown to alter the biophysical properties of proteins and the final ultrastructure, composition, and toxic properties of the formed aggregates. To overcome this limitation, we present a method for label-free identification of NDD-associated aggregates (LINA). Our approach utilizes deep learning to detect unlabeled and unaltered Httex1 aggregates in living cells from transmitted-light images, without the need for fluorescent labeling. Our models are robust across imaging conditions and on aggregates formed by different constructs of Httex1. LINA enables the dynamic identification of label-free aggregates and measurement of their dry mass and area changes during their growth process, offering high speed, specificity, and simplicity to analyze protein aggregation dynamics and obtain high-fidelity information.
