細胞内の創造的破壊を探る物理モデルを構築(Researchers built a physical model to probe the creative destruction inside cells)


2023-12-12 プリンストン大学



フィブリルネットワーク内での液液相分離 Liquid–liquid phase separation within fibrillar networks

Jason X. Liu,Mikko P. Haataja,Andrej Košmrlj,Sujit S. Datta,Craig B. Arnold & Rodney D. Priestley
Nature Communications  Published:29 September 2023

細胞内の創造的破壊を探る物理モデルを構築(Researchers built a physical model to probe the creative destruction inside cells)


Complex fibrillar networks mediate liquid–liquid phase separation of biomolecular condensates within the cell. Mechanical interactions between these condensates and the surrounding networks are increasingly implicated in the physiology of the condensates and yet, the physical principles underlying phase separation within intracellular media remain poorly understood. Here, we elucidate the dynamics and mechanics of liquid–liquid phase separation within fibrillar networks by condensing oil droplets within biopolymer gels. We find that condensates constrained within the network pore space grow in abrupt temporal bursts. The subsequent restructuring of condensates and concomitant network deformation is contingent on the fracture of network fibrils, which is determined by a competition between condensate capillarity and network strength. As a synthetic analog to intracellular phase separation, these results further our understanding of the mechanical interactions between biomolecular condensates and fibrillar networks in the cell.
