ミナミゾウアザラシのオスは偏食家であることが研究で示唆される(Male southern elephant seals are picky eaters, study suggests)


2024-01-03 ニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW)

ミナミゾウアザラシのオスは偏食家であることが研究で示唆される(Male southern elephant seals are picky eaters, study suggests)
It turns out that male southern elephant seals like to stick with their own favourite foods. Photo: Andrea Cormack.

◆南極の主要な捕食動物である南ゾウアザラシのオスは、自分たちの好物を持っており、非常に気難しい食事療法を実践していることが、ニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW Sydney)の研究で明らかになりました。


ミナミゾウアザラシの成体オスにおける極端な食餌の特殊化:栄養食個体間の変動を決定する Extreme dietary specialisation in adult male southern elephant seals: determining variation between individual trophic diets

Andrea Cormack, Eve Slavich, Javier Negrete, Horst Bornemann, Gustavo A. Daneri, Tracey L. Rogers
Marine Ecology Progress Series  Published:December 21, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14472


Although dietary studies have provided important insights into the causes and ramifications of diet variation for the southern elephant seal (SES) (Mirounga leonina), adult males are comparatively underrepresented within that literature. Individual males can vary morphologically as well as behaviourally, leading to differences in their life history trajectories and outcomes. Therefore, to improve our understanding of the male diet, we sought to determine the degree of dietary variation between as well as within individuals from the West Antarctic Peninsula. Secondly, we investigated whether individual morphological traits, seasonality, and year influenced their dietary variation. Whiskers were sampled from 31 adult male seals and used to measure the bulk stable isotope nitrogen (δ15N). We sequentially segmented each whisker to create a time series of datapoints for each individual, allowing us to compare δ15N variation within each seal as well as assess variation between the seals. We then investigated the relationships between male dietary variation and body length, girth, season, and year. We found that adult male SESs maintained an extremely specialised diet. Variation between individuals was strongly correlated with their body size, with larger seals feeding higher up the trophic web. Interestingly, seasonality and year both influenced variation within the seals’ diets, but only year was seen to influence the variability between seals. We discuss the possible causes and ramifications of dietary specialisation for the SES and highlight the need for combined tracking and stable isotope investigations to improve our understanding of the ontogeny of the seals’ dietary specialisation.
