雑草イネが近隣の野生種から競争力を高める(Weedy rice gets competitive boost from its wild neighbors)


204-02-21 ワシントン大学セントルイス校

◆雑草イネは世界の熱帯地域において、栽培米に対して優位に立つ厄介な雑草である「野生米」が、野生種の自然交雑によって進化し、農業雑草として競争力を高める新しい遺伝子変化に関するワシントン大学の研究が、Nature Communicationsに発表された。


東南アジアで雑草の適応を促進する野生作物との境界線の多孔性 Porous borders at the wild-crop interface promote weed adaptation in Southeast Asia

Lin-Feng Li,Tonapha Pusadee,Marshall J. Wedger,Ya-Ling Li,Ming-Rui Li,Yee-Ling Lau,Soo-Joo Yap,Sansanee Jamjod,Benjavan Rerkasem,Yan Hao,Beng-Kah Song & Kenneth M. Olsen
Nature Communications  Published:21 February 2024

雑草イネが近隣の野生種から競争力を高める(Weedy rice gets competitive boost from its wild neighbors)


High reproductive compatibility between crops and their wild relatives can provide benefits for crop breeding but also poses risks for agricultural weed evolution. Weedy rice is a feral relative of rice that infests paddies and causes severe crop losses worldwide. In regions of tropical Asia where the wild progenitor of rice occurs, weedy rice could be influenced by hybridization with the wild species. Genomic analysis of this phenomenon has been very limited. Here we use whole genome sequence analyses of 217 wild, weedy and cultivated rice samples to show that wild rice hybridization has contributed substantially to the evolution of Southeast Asian weedy rice, with some strains acquiring weed-adaptive traits through introgression from the wild progenitor. Our study highlights how adaptive introgression from wild species can contribute to agricultural weed evolution, and it provides a case study of parallel evolution of weediness in independently-evolved strains of a weedy crop relative.
