90年代の子供たち:研究 高HC大麻品種は精神病エピソードを引き起こす可能性が2倍高い(Children of the 90s Study: High-THC Cannabis Varieties Twice as Likely to Cause Psychotic Episodes)


2024-04-13 バース大学

バース大学の研究によると、16~18歳の若者が高濃度の大麻(スカンクなど)を使用すると、19~24歳の間に精神病経験(幻覚や妄想など)を持つ確率が2倍になります。研究は「Children of the 90s」プロジェクトのデータを使用し、大麻の使用と精神病経験の関係を調査しました。高濃度大麻使用者の10.1%が新たな精神病経験を報告し、低濃度使用者は3.8%でした。研究者たちは、高濃度大麻の長期的影響についてのさらなる調査と若者が利用できる大麻の濃度を減らす対策を提案しています。


自己申告による高力価大麻使用後の精神病体験: 縦断的コホート研究の結果 Incident psychotic experiences following self-reported use of high-potency cannabis: Results from a longitudinal cohort study

Lindsey A. Hines, Jon Heron, Stanley Zammit
Addiction  Published: 13 May 2024

90年代の子供たち:研究 高HC大麻品種は精神病エピソードを引き起こす可能性が2倍高い(Children of the 90s Study: High-THC Cannabis Varieties Twice as Likely to Cause Psychotic Episodes)


Background and aims
High-potency cannabis has been associated with increased risk of psychosis, but a lack of prospective data hinders understanding of causality in this relationship. This study aimed to combine prospective report of cannabis use with retrospective report of potency to infer the potency of cannabis used in adolescence and explore whether use of cannabis, and the use of high-potency cannabis, in adolescence is associated with incident psychotic experiences.

Population-based birth cohort study.

United Kingdom.

n = 5570 participants who reported on any cannabis use (yes/no) age 16 and 18 years, and n = 1560 participants from this group who also retrospectively reported on cannabis potency.

In questionnaires at ages 16 and 18, individuals self-reported lifetime cannabis use, and at age 24, participants reported the type of cannabis they most commonly used in the whole time since first using cannabis. Psychotic experiences were assessed at age 24 years using the semi-structured Psychosis-Like Symptom Interview, with incident defined as new-onset occurring between ages 19 and 24 years.

Use of high-potency cannabis at age 16 or 18 was associated with twice the likelihood of experiencing incident psychotic experiences from age 19–24 (Odds Ratio 2.15, 95% Confidence Intervals 1.13–4.06). There was less evidence for an effect of any cannabis use on incident psychotic experiences (Odds Ratio 1.45, 95% Confidence Intervals 0.94–2.12).

Use of high-potency cannabis appears to be associated with increased likelihood of psychotic experiences.
