方向転換:胚の細胞の動きを操作する新方法を発表(A Change of Direction:Researchers have unveiled a new method to manipulate cell movement in embryos)


2024-05-28 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)



アクティブネマティクスにおける短時間アトラクターの最適制御 Optimal Control of Short-Time Attractors in Active Nematics

Carlo Sinigaglia, Francesco Braghin, and Mattia Serra
Physical Review Letters  Published: 22 May 2024

方向転換:胚の細胞の動きを操作する新方法を発表(A Change of Direction:Researchers have unveiled a new method to manipulate cell movement in embryos)


Objective Eulerian coherent structures (OECSs) and instantaneous Lyapunov exponents (iLEs) govern short-term material transport in fluid flows as Lagrangian coherent structures and the finite-time Lyapunov exponent do over longer times. Attracting OECSs and iLEs reveal short-time attractors and are computable from the Eulerian rate-of-strain tensor. Here, we devise for the first time an optimal control strategy to create short-time attractors in compressible, viscosity-dominated active nematic flows. By modulating the active stress intensity, our framework achieves a target profile of the minimum eigenvalue of the rate-of-strain tensor, controlling the location and shape of short-time attractors. We show that our optimal control strategy effectively achieves desired short-time attractors while rejecting disturbances. Combining optimal control and coherent structures, our work offers a new perspective to steer material transport in compressible active nematics, with applications to morphogenesis and synthetic active matter.
