「ない 」ことは理解することにどう影響するのか?科学者が否定がフレーズの解釈を緩和することを発見(How Does “Not” Affect What We Understand? Scientists Find Negation Mitigates Our Interpretation of Phrases)


2024-05-30 ニューヨーク大学 (NYU)

ニューヨーク大学の研究チームは、否定語(「not」など)を含むフレーズの処理方法を脳がどのように行うかを明らかにしました。否定は意味を逆転させるのではなく、緩和する役割を果たすことが判明しました。例えば、「This coffee is not hot」というフレーズは「冷たい」ではなく「熱くない」と解釈されます。この研究は、言語理解の複雑さを強調し、広告や法的文書、AIの大規模言語モデルにおける否定語の解釈の改善に役立つ可能性があります。実験では、参加者が否定語を含むフレーズを解釈するのに時間がかかり、否定語が意味を緩和することが示されました。


否定は形容詞の神経表現を反転させるのではなく、むしろ緩和する Negation mitigates rather than inverts the neural representations of adjectives

Arianna Zuanazzi ,Pablo Ripollés,Wy Ming Lin,Laura Gwilliams,Jean-Rémi King ,David Poeppe
PLOS Biology
  Published: May 30, 2024

「ない 」ことは理解することにどう影響するのか?科学者が否定がフレーズの解釈を緩和することを発見(How Does “Not” Affect What We Understand? Scientists Find Negation Mitigates Our Interpretation of Phrases)


Combinatoric linguistic operations underpin human language processes, but how meaning is composed and refined in the mind of the reader is not well understood. We address this puzzle by exploiting the ubiquitous function of negation. We track the online effects of negation (“not”) and intensifiers (“really”) on the representation of scalar adjectives (e.g., “good”) in parametrically designed behavioral and neurophysiological (MEG) experiments. The behavioral data show that participants first interpret negated adjectives as affirmative and later modify their interpretation towards, but never exactly as, the opposite meaning. Decoding analyses of neural activity further reveal significant above chance decoding accuracy for negated adjectives within 600 ms from adjective onset, suggesting that negation does not invert the representation of adjectives (i.e., “not bad” represented as “good”); furthermore, decoding accuracy for negated adjectives is found to be significantly lower than that for affirmative adjectives. Overall, these results suggest that negation mitigates rather than inverts the neural representations of adjectives. This putative suppression mechanism of negation is supported by increased synchronization of beta-band neural activity in sensorimotor areas. The analysis of negation provides a steppingstone to understand how the human brain represents changes of meaning over time.
