神経画像解析への新しいアプローチ(A New Approach to Neuroimaging Analysis)


2024-06-17 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

神経画像解析への新しいアプローチ(A New Approach to Neuroimaging Analysis)Brain images developed by Anders Dale representing the average over thousands of brains from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study database.

カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校の神経科学者チームは、脳画像データを用いて認知や行動の要素を予測する方法を開発しました。この研究は「Cerebral Cortex」に掲載され、従来の手法よりも少人数のデータセットで有意な結果を得ることができることを示しています。マルチバリアント法を用いることで、数十人の参加者でも十分な予測精度を達成しました。大規模なデータセット(例えば、12,000人の子供のMRIデータ)をトレーニングに使用し、少人数の研究でも効果的な結果を得ることが可能です。この方法により、小規模なデータセットでも再現可能な脳全体の関連性研究が可能となります。


思春期の脳の認知発達研究を活用し、小規模な再現サンプルにおけるニューロイメージングからの行動予測を改善する Leveraging the adolescent brain cognitive development study to improve behavioral prediction from neuroimaging in smaller replication samples

Carolina Makowski, Timothy T Brown, Weiqi Zhao, Donald J Hagler Jr, Pravesh Parekh, Hugh Garavan, Thomas E Nichols, Terry L Jernigan, Anders M Dale
Cerebral Cortex  Published:17 June 2024


Neuroimaging is a popular method to map brain structural and functional patterns to complex human traits. Recently published observations cast doubt upon these prospects, particularly for prediction of cognitive traits from structural and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We leverage baseline data from thousands of children in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentSM Study to inform the replication sample size required with univariate and multivariate methods across different imaging modalities to detect reproducible brain-behavior associations. We demonstrate that by applying multivariate methods to high-dimensional brain imaging data, we can capture lower dimensional patterns of structural and functional brain architecture that correlate robustly with cognitive phenotypes and are reproducible with only 41 individuals in the replication sample for working memory-related functional MRI, and ~ 100 subjects for structural and resting state MRI. Even with 100 random re-samplings of 100 subjects in discovery, prediction can be adequately powered with 66 subjects in replication for multivariate prediction of cognition with working memory task functional MRI. These results point to an important role for neuroimaging in translational neurodevelopmental research and showcase how findings in large samples can inform reproducible brain-behavior associations in small sample sizes that are at the heart of many research programs and grants.
