近所で治安が悪いと感じたら、喫煙する可能性が高いという新しい研究結果(If You Feel Unsafe in Your Neighborhood, A New Study Shows You Are More Likely to Smoke)


2024-06-17 ヒューストン大学(UH)

ヒューストン大学の研究によると、治安が悪く安全性が低いと感じる地域では喫煙率が高く、禁煙が難しいことがわかりました。これらの地域では高い犯罪率、警察の信頼不足、歴史的な無関心が住民の警戒心を高め、喫煙が対処行動の一つとなっています。Michael J. Zvolensky教授は、こうした地域の警戒心が禁煙期待に対する否定的な認識や禁煙時の問題の深刻化に関連していると報告しています。この研究では、禁煙治療を求める93人の成人喫煙者を対象に行われ、住民の社会的文脈が喫煙行動に与える影響が示されました。


禁煙に対する期待と禁煙時の問題の深刻さにおける近所の警戒心 Neighborhood Vigilance in Terms of Abstinence Expectancies for Smoking and Severity of Problems When Quitting

Michael J. Zvolenskya,Bryce K. Clausen,Justin M. Shepherd&Brooke Y. Redmond
Substance Use & Misuse  Published: 03 Jun 2024


Background: Although social determinants of health (SDoH) have increasingly been understood as clinically important factors in the onset, maintenance, and relapse of substance use behavior, little research has evaluated neighborhood vigilance in terms of smoking. Objectives: The present investigation sought to evaluate the role of neighborhood vigilance in terms of smoking abstinence expectancies (i.e., perceived consequences of refraining from smoking, including negative mood, somatic symptoms, harmful consequences, and positive consequences) and severity of problems when trying to quit among adults who smoke. Results: Participants included 93 treatment-seeking people who smoke (45.2 years of age and 29% identified as female). Results: indicated that greater levels of neighborhood vigilance were associated with negative mood and harmful consequences abstinence expectancies. No effect was evident for somatic symptom abstinence expectancies after Bonferroni correction. Conclusions: As expected, neighborhood vigilance was not predictive of positive abstinence expectancies, offering explanatory specificity. Neighborhood vigilance was also associated with more severe problems when trying to quit smoking. The current findings suggest neighborhood vigilance represents an important contextual factor involved in certain negative beliefs about abstinence and challenges in quitting.
