コーヒーは体に良いのか悪いのか?(Is Coffee Good for You or Bad for You?)


2024-06-18 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

コーヒーの飲用習慣は遺伝的影響を受けることが、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校の研究で明らかになりました。Sandra Sanchez-Roige博士らの国際研究チームは、23andMeデータベースと英国のデータを比較し、コーヒー消費に関連する遺伝子を特定しました。研究結果は「Neuropsychopharmacology」に掲載されました。この研究は、遺伝子と健康状態との関連を明らかにし、特定の遺伝子変異がコーヒー消費量に影響を与えることを示しました。また、コーヒー消費と健康への影響は明確ではなく、精神的な健康状態との関連も地域によって異なることが分かりました。研究は遺伝と環境の相互作用が複雑であることを示しており、さらなる研究が必要とされています。


欧州系血統を持つ英国と米国の参加者を対象としたコーヒー摂取に関するゲノムワイド関連研究により、コホート特有の遺伝的関連が明らかになった Genome-wide association studies of coffee intake in UK/US participants of European ancestry uncover cohort-specific genetic associations

Hayley H. A. Thorpe,Pierre Fontanillas,Benjamin K. Pham,John J. Meredith,Mariela V. Jennings,Natasia S. Courchesne-Krak,Laura Vilar-Ribó,Sevim B. Bianchi,Julian Mutz,23andMe Research Team,Sarah L. Elson,Jibran Y. Khokhar,Abdel Abdellaoui,Lea K. Davis,Abraham A. Palmer & Sandra Sanchez-Roige
Neuropsychopharmacology  Published:11 June 2024

コーヒーは体に良いのか悪いのか?(Is Coffee Good for You or Bad for You?)


Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of coffee intake in US-based 23andMe participants (N = 130,153) and identified 7 significant loci, with many replicating in three multi-ancestral cohorts. We examined genetic correlations and performed a phenome-wide association study across hundreds of biomarkers, health, and lifestyle traits, then compared our results to the largest available GWAS of coffee intake from the UK Biobank (UKB; N = 334,659). We observed consistent positive genetic correlations with substance use and obesity in both cohorts. Other genetic correlations were discrepant, including positive genetic correlations between coffee intake and psychiatric illnesses, pain, and gastrointestinal traits in 23andMe that were absent or negative in the UKB, and genetic correlations with cognition that were negative in 23andMe but positive in the UKB. Phenome-wide association study using polygenic scores of coffee intake derived from 23andMe or UKB summary statistics also revealed consistent associations with increased odds of obesity- and red blood cell-related traits, but all other associations were cohort-specific. Our study shows that the genetics of coffee intake associate with substance use and obesity across cohorts, but also that GWAS performed in different populations could capture cultural differences in the relationship between behavior and genetics.
