蝶の鱗粉形成の最初の瞬間に何が起こるか(What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation)


2024-06-26 マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)



細胞膜の座屈が蝶の翅の鱗粉における初期段階の隆起形成を支配する Cell membrane buckling governs early-stage ridge formation in butterfly wing scales

Jan F. Totz,Anthony D. McDougal,Leonie Wagner,…,Jörn Dunkel,Bodo D. Wilts,Mathias Kolle
Cell Reports Physical Science  Published:June 26, 2024

Graphical abstract

Figure thumbnail fx1


  • In vivo phase microscopy of developing scales captures the onset of buckling
  • Model shows that mechanical buckling instabilities drive initial ridge formation
  • Actin bundle size and spacing can determine buckling and where ridges form


During the development of butterfly wing scales, ordered periodic cell membrane modulations occur at the upper surface of scale-forming cells, priming the formation of ridges. Ridges are critical for wing scale functionality, including structural color, wetting characteristics, and thermal performance. Here, we combine a morphoelastic model based on Föppl-von-Kármán plate theory with experimental observations to shed light on the biomechanical processes governing early-stage ridge formation in Painted Lady butterflies. By comparing the model predictions with time-resolved phase imaging data from live butterflies, we provide evidence that the onset of ridge formation is governed by a mechanical buckling transition induced by the interplay of membrane growth and confinement through association with regularly spaced actin bundles. Beyond ridge formation in Painted Lady scales, our theory offers a rationale for the absence of scale ridges in the lower lamina of many lepidopterans and for the alternating ridge pattern of other butterfly species.



