肥満に関連した脳の変化が精子数の減少をもたらす(Brain changes linked to obesity result in low sperm count)


2024-07-18 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

肥満が男性のテストステロン低下を引き起こし、筋肉量や認知機能、精子数の減少、性欲低下に影響を与えることは知られていますが、そのメカニズムは完全には理解されていません。カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校の研究チームは、高脂肪食を与えたマウスを用いて、肥満が脳内の慢性的な変化を引き起こすことを発見しました。特に、脳内のニューロン間の接続が減少し、エネルギーが十分であることを脳に伝える受容体の数が減少することが確認されました。これが過剰なカロリー摂取を止められない原因と考えられます。また、肥満は視床下部-下垂体-性腺軸を通じて生殖機能に影響を与え、テストステロンと精子数の減少を引き起こします。この研究は、肥満の影響が主に脳にあり、生殖を調節するニューロンの正常な機能を妨げることを示しました。研究結果は「Journal of Neuroscience」に掲載され、肥満が人間の生殖に与える悪影響を理解するための今後の研究の基礎となります。


肥満がPOMCとキスペプチン神経細胞のクロストークを変化させ、雄マウスの黄体形成ホルモンを減少させる Obesity Alters POMC and Kisspeptin Neuron Cross Talk Leading to Reduced Luteinizing Hormone in Male Mice

Pedro A. Villa, Rebecca E. Ruggiero-Ruff, Bradley B. Jamieson, Rebecca E. Campbell and Djurdjica Coss
Journal of Neuroscience  Published:10 July 2024


Obesity is associated with hypogonadism in males, characterized by low testosterone and sperm number. Previous studies determined that these stem from dysregulation of hypothalamic circuitry that regulates reproduction, by unknown mechanisms. Herein, we used mice fed chronic high-fat diet, which mimics human obesity, to determine mechanisms of impairment at the level of the hypothalamus, in particular gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons that regulate luteinizing hormone (LH), which then regulates testosterone. Consistent with obese humans, we demonstrated lower LH, and lower pulse frequency of LH secretion, but unchanged pituitary responsiveness to GnRH. LH pulse frequency is regulated by pulsatile GnRH secretion, which is controlled by kisspeptin. Peripheral and central kisspeptin injections, and DREADD-mediated activation of kisspeptin neurons, demonstrated that kisspeptin neurons were suppressed in obese mice. Thus, we investigated regulators of kisspeptin secretion. We determined that the LH response to NMDA was lower in obese mice, corresponding to fewer glutamate receptors in kisspeptin neurons, which may be critical for kisspeptin synchronization. Given that kisspeptin neurons also interact with anorexigenic POMC neurons, which are affected by obesity, we examined their cross talk, and determined that the LH response to either DREADD-mediated activation of POMC neurons or central injection of αMSH, a product of POMC, is abolished in obese mice. This was accompanied by diminished levels of αMSH receptor, MC4R, in kisspeptin neurons. Together, our studies determined that obesity leads to the downregulation of receptors that regulate kisspeptin neurons, which is associated with lower LH pulse frequency, leading to lower LH and hypogonadism.
