皮膚疾患治療薬が小児糖尿病治療に有望(Skin disease drug shows promise for treating childhood diabetes)


2024-07-30 スウォンジー大学

カーディフ大学が主導し、スウォンジー大学の試験ユニット(STU)および糖尿病研究グループが支援した臨床試験により、現在乾癬治療に使用されている薬ウステキヌマブが、子供や青年の初期型1型糖尿病の治療に効果的であることが判明しました。この研究は、National Institute for Health and Care Research(NIHR)およびMedical Research Council(MRC)の資金提供を受け、ウステキヌマブがインスリンを生成する能力を維持する効果があることを示しています。ウステキヌマブは乾癬などの免疫疾患治療に使用され、副作用が少ないことが知られています。この試験では、72人の12〜18歳の被験者を対象に行われ、ウステキヌマブ使用後12ヶ月でCペプチドレベルが49%増加しました。この研究は『Nature Medicine』に掲載され、将来的にさらに多くの試験が必要ですが、1型糖尿病の早期治療における有望なアプローチとして注目されています。


思春期の1型糖尿病に対するウステキヌマブ:多施設共同二重盲検無作為化第2相試験 Ustekinumab for type 1 diabetes in adolescents: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized phase 2 trial

Danijela Tatovic,Ashish Marwaha,Peter Taylor,Stephanie J. Hanna,Kym Carter,W. Y. Cheung,Steve Luzio,Gareth Dunseath,Hayley A. Hutchings,Gail Holland,Steve Hiles,Greg Fegan,Evangelia Williams,Jennie H. M. Yang,Clara Domingo-Vila,Emily Pollock,Muntaha Wadud,Kirsten Ward-Hartstonge,Susie Marques-Jones,Jane Bowen-Morris,Rachel Stenson,Megan K. Levings,John W. Gregory,Timothy I. M. Tree,USTEKID Study Group,+
Nature Medicine  Published:30 July 2024

皮膚疾患治療薬が小児糖尿病治療に有望(Skin disease drug shows promise for treating childhood diabetes)


Immunotherapy targeting the autoimmune process in type 1 diabetes (T1D) can delay the loss of β-cells but needs to have minimal adverse effects to be an adjunct to insulin in the management of T1D. Ustekinumab binds to the shared p40 subunit of interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23, targeting development of T helper 1 cells and T helper 17 cells (TH1 and TH17 cells) implicated in the pathogenesis of T1D. We conducted a double-blind, randomized controlled trial of ustekinumab in 72 adolescents aged 12–18 years with recent-onset T1D. Treatment was well tolerated with no increase in adverse events. At 12 months, β-cell function, measured by stimulated C-peptide, was 49% higher in the intervention group (P = 0.02), meeting the prespecified primary outcome. Preservation of C-peptide correlated with the reduction of T helper cells co-secreting IL-17A and interferon-γ (TH17.1 cells, P = 0.04) and, in particular, with the reduction in a subset of TH17.1 cells co-expressing IL-2 and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (IL-2+ GM-CSF+ TH17.1 cells, P = 0.04). A significant fall in β-cell-targeted (proinsulin-specific) IL-17A-secreting T cells was also seen (P = 0.0003). Although exploratory, our data suggest a role for an activated subset of TH17.1 cells in T1D that can be targeted with minimal adverse effects to reduce C-peptide loss, which requires confirmation in a larger study. (International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Registry: ISRCTN 14274380).
