未治療の精神疾患がCOVIDワクチン接種率低下と関連(Unmedicated mental illness linked to lower COVID-19 vaccination levels)


2024-09-26 カロリンスカ研究所(KI)



精神疾患とCOVID-19ワクチン接種:観察データと登録ベースのデータの多国間調査 Mental illness and COVID-19 vaccination: a multinational investigation of observational & register-based data

Mary M. Barker,Kadri Kõiv,Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir,Hannah Milbourn,Bin Wang,Xinkai Du,Gillian Murphy,Eva Herweijer,Elísabet U. Gísladóttir,Huiqi Li,Anikó Lovik,Anna K. Kähler,Archie Campbell,Maria Feychting,Arna Hauksdóttir,Emily E. Joyce,Edda Bjork Thordardottir,Emma M. Frans,Asle Hoffart,Reedik Mägi,Gunnar Tómasson,Kristjana Ásbjörnsdóttir,Jóhanna Jakobsdóttir,Ole A. Andreassen,… Fang Fang
Nature Communications  Published:26 September 2024

未治療の精神疾患がCOVIDワクチン接種率低下と関連(Unmedicated mental illness linked to lower COVID-19 vaccination levels)


Individuals with mental illness are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. However, previous studies on the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in this population have reported conflicting results. Using data from seven cohort studies (N = 325,298) included in the multinational COVIDMENT consortium, and the Swedish registers (N = 8,080,234), this study investigates the association between mental illness (defined using self-report measures, clinical diagnosis and prescription data) and COVID-19 vaccination uptake. Results from the COVIDMENT cohort studies were pooled using meta-analyses, the majority of which showed no significant association between mental illness and vaccination uptake. In the Swedish register study population, we observed a very small reduction in the uptake of both the first and second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine among individuals with vs. without mental illness; the reduction was however greater among those not using psychiatric medication. Here we show that uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine is generally high among individuals both with and without mental illness, however the lower levels of vaccination uptake observed among subgroups of individuals with unmedicated mental illness warrants further attention.
