オマリズマブが多食品アレルギー治療で経口免疫療法より優れていることを発見(Omalizumab Treats Multi-Food Allergy Better than Oral Immunotherapy)


2025-03-03  アメリカ国立衛生研究所 (NIH)

オマリズマブが多食品アレルギー治療で経口免疫療法より優れていることを発見(Omalizumab Treats Multi-Food Allergy Better than Oral Immunotherapy)
Participants in the OUtMATCH trial are allergic to peanuts and at least two other foods among milk, eggs, wheat, cashews, walnuts and hazelnuts. NIAID



オマリズマブによる多食品アレルギーの治療とオマリズマブによる多アレルゲン起立耐性失調の比較 Treatment of Multi-Food Allergy with Omalizumab Compared to Omalizumab-Facilitated Multi-Allergen OI

Robert Wood, MD∙ Stacie Jones, MD, FAAAAI∙ Jennifer Dantzer, MD, FAAAAI, MHS∙ … ∙ Lisa Wheatley, MD∙ Alkis Togias, MD∙ R. Sharon Chinthrajah
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology  Published:February 2025


Both omalizumab and oral immunotherapy (OIT) are used to treat multi-food allergy, but the two treatments have never been directly compared.


In OUtMATCH Stage 2, participants were randomized to receive either double-blind multi-allergen OIT and placebo omalizumab OR omalizumab/placebo OIT. Initially, all participants received 16 weeks of open-label omalizumab; at Week 9 OIT/placebo-OIT was initiated and was escalated to a maintenance goal of 1000mg for each participant’s study-specific foods. At week 16 participants transitioned to blinded injection therapy (omalizumab or placebo) for 44 weeks before being re-challenged (cumulative 8044mg protein/food). The protocol-defined primary endpoint was tolerance of ≥2000 mg (cumulative 4044mg) for all 3 foods.


117 participants were included (55% male, median age 7 years). 51/58 (88%) in the omalizumab group and 30/59 (51%) in the OIT group completed Stage 2. In the intent-to-treat analysis of the primary endpoint, omalizumab was superior to OIT (success 36% versus 19%, OR 2.6, P=0.031). Superiority was also demonstrated for success for ≥2 foods (P=0.004) and numerous other secondary endpoints. There were no differences in the per-protocol analysis, which excluded dropouts (primary endpoint P=0.66). Serious adverse events (0% vs. 30.5%), AEs leading to treatment discontinuation (0% versus 22.0%), and AEs treated with epinephrine (6.9% versus 37.3%) were all more common in the OIT group.


Omalizumab was superior to multi-allergen OIT in the treatment of multi-food allergy. These differences were largely driven by the high rate of AEs leading to study discontinuation in the OIT-treated participants, despite receiving omalizumab treatment at the initiation of therapy.
