ロボットシステムを活用した腎移植スクリーニングの革新 (WPI Develops Innovative Robotic System to Enhance Kidney Transplant Screening)


2025-03-10 ウースター工科大学(WPI)



リアルタイムロボット光干渉断層計を用いた移植前評価のための大面積腎臓イメージング Large area kidney imaging for pre-transplant evaluation using real-time robotic optical coherence tomography

Xihan Ma,Mousa Moradi,Xiaoyu Ma,Qinggong Tang,Moshe Levi,Yu Chen & Haichong K. Zhang
Communications Engineering  Published:02 September 2024

ロボットシステムを活用した腎移植スクリーニングの革新 (WPI Develops Innovative Robotic System to Enhance Kidney Transplant Screening)


Optical coherence tomography (OCT) can be used to image microstructures of human kidneys. However, current OCT probes exhibit inadequate field-of-view, leading to potentially biased kidney assessment. Here we present a robotic OCT system where the probe is integrated to a robot manipulator, enabling wider area (covers an area of 106.39 mm by 37.70 mm) spatially-resolved imaging. Our system comprehensively scans the kidney surface at the optimal altitude with preoperative path planning and OCT image-based feedback control scheme. It further parameterizes and visualizes microstructures of large area. We verified the system positioning accuracy on a phantom as 0.0762 ± 0.0727 mm and showed the clinical feasibility by scanning ex vivo kidneys. The parameterization reveals vasculatures beneath the kidney surface. Quantification on the proximal convoluted tubule of a human kidney yields clinical-relevant information. The system promises to assess kidney viability for transplantation after collecting a vast amount of whole-organ parameterization and patient outcomes data.
