個体構造が進化を形作る(Population Structure Shapes Evolution)


2025-03-11 マックス・プランク研究所

マックス・プランク研究所の新たな研究により、集団の構造が進化に与える影響が明らかになりました。 特に、個体間の相互作用が限定される「構造化された集団」では、通常であれば淘汰される不利な突然変異が長期間存続する可能性があることが示されました。これは、個体が限られた範囲内でのみ相互作用するため、不利な突然変異を持つ個体が集団全体に広がる前に局所的に存続し続けることができるからです。この発見は、進化の過程や遺伝的多様性の維持に関する新たな視点を提供し、生物の適応や進化の理解に寄与するものと期待されています。


グラフ構造の集団が長期進化における突然変異の役割を解明する Graph-structured populations elucidate the role of deleterious mutations in long-term evolution

Nikhil Sharma,Suman G. Das,Joachim Krug & Arne Traulsen
Nature Communications  Published:10 March 2025

個体構造が進化を形作る(Population Structure Shapes Evolution)


Birth-death models are used to understand the interplay of genetic drift and natural selection. While well-mixed populations remain unaffected by the order of birth and death and where selection acts, evolutionary outcomes in spatially structured populations are affected by these choices. We show that the choice of individual moving to vacant sites—parent or offspring—controls the initial mutant placement on a graph and hence alters its fixation probability. Moving parent individuals introduces, to our knowledge, previously unexplored update rules and fixation categories for heterogeneous graphs. We identify a class of graphs, amplifiers of fixation, where fixation probability is larger than in well-mixed populations, regardless of the mutant fitness. Under death-Birth parent moving, the star graph is an amplifier of fixation, with a non-zero fixation probability for deleterious mutants, in contrast to very large well-mixed populations. Most Erdős-Rényi graphs of size 8 are amplifiers of fixation under death-Birth parent moving, but suppressors of fixation under Birth-death offspring moving. Surprisingly, amplifiers of fixation attain lower fitness in long-term evolution, despite favouring beneficial mutants, while suppressors of fixation attain higher fitness. These counterintuitive findings are explained by the fate of deleterious mutations and highlight the crucial role of deleterious mutants for adaptive evolution.
