光とエピジェネティクスが植物成長を調節するメカニズムを解明 (Scientists Reveal How Light and Epigenetics Cooperate to Regulate Plant Growth)


2025-03-19 中国科学院(CAS)

中国科学院遺伝・発育生物学研究所(IGDB)の曹暁風(Cao Xiaofeng)教授率いる研究チームは、光受容体、エピジェネティック修飾因子、転写因子が協力して植物の光応答性遺伝子を調節する分子メカニズムを解明しました。 光は、植物の発芽、胚軸伸長、葉の展開、開花時期など、さまざまな発育過程を制御する重要な環境要因です。特に、ヒストンH3リジン27トリメチル化(H3K27me3)は、遺伝子サイレンシングを維持する主要な抑制マークであり、その動的な調節は細胞の運命決定や発育に不可欠です。研究チームは、アラビドプシスにおいて、H3K27me3デメチラーゼであるREF6/JMJ12が赤色光下で光受容体フィトクロムB(phyB)と物理的に相互作用し、REF6の安定性とクロマチン結合能力を高めることを発見しました。この相互作用により、細胞伸長関連遺伝子の発現が促進され、光形態形成が精密に調節されます。これらの成果は、植物が変動する光環境に適応するための複雑な戦略を明らかにし、光シグナル伝達とエピジェネティックな調節の統合的な理解を深めるものです。


シロイヌナズナの脱メチル化酵素REF6はphyBと物理的に相互作用し、赤色光下での胚軸伸長を促進する The Arabidopsis demethylase REF6 physically interacts with phyB to promote hypocotyl elongation under red light

Yan Yan, Jiaping Zhu, Qi Qiu, +2 , and Xian Deng
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:March 10, 2025


Photomorphogenesis, a key stage in early seedling growth exposed to light, is mediated by the photoreceptors. The dynamic trimethylation of histone H3 at Lys27 (H3K27me3) modulates gene expression and governs plant development and responses to the environmental changes. However, how chromatin and histone modifications respond to light signals remains largely obscure. This study uncovers a critical role of the H3K27me3 demethylase RELATIVE OF EARLY FLOWERING 6 (REF6)/JMJ12 in regulating light-responsive hypocotyl elongation. REF6 is activated by light and interacts with phytochrome B (phyB) to modulate chromatin accessibility and expression of cell elongation-related genes. Our findings uncover a link between light signals and epigenetic regulation, offering valuable insights into understanding the complex interactions among phytochrome, epigenetic factors, and transcription factors.


The plant photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) mediates the responses of plants to red (R) light. Trimethylation of histone H3 at Lys27 (H3K27me3) plays a crucial role in governing gene expression and controlling the response of plants to environmental changes. However, how dynamic H3K27me3 mediates plant response to R light is poorly understood. Here, we report that RELATIVE OF EARLY FLOWERING 6 (REF6), an H3K27me3 demethylase, promotes hypocotyl elongation under R light in Arabidopsis. Upon exposure to R light, REF6 preferentially interacts with the active Pfr form of phyB. Consequently, phyB enhances REF6 accumulation and its binding ability, which are necessary for inducing cell-elongation-related genes from open chromatin, ensuring normal plant growth under prolonged light exposure. Moreover, REF6 acts together with the phyB-PIF4 module to mediate light regulation of hypocotyl growth. These findings provide insights into the understanding of how phytochromes, epigenetic factors, and transcription factors coordinately control plant growth in response to changing light environment.
