免疫システムが「記憶」を形成する新たな仕組みを発見(Researchers Uncover a Surprising New Way the Immune System ‘Remembers’)


2025-03-19 シカゴ大学

シカゴ大学プリツカー分子工学スクールの研究者たちは、マクロファージと呼ばれる白血球が、感染後に分子シグナル伝達パターンを即座に調整し、免疫系の新たな記憶形態を持つことを発見しました。 この短期的な記憶により、マクロファージは後続の感染や免疫シグナルに対して、応答を強化したり、逆に耐性を持ち反応を弱めたりすることが可能となります。この発見は、感染症や自己免疫疾患の新たな治療法の開発につながる可能性があります。


マクロファージの記憶は、転写因子とクロマチンダイナミクスの協調から生まれる Macrophage memory emerges from coordinated transcription factor and chromatin dynamics

Andrew G. Wang∙ Minjun Son∙ Aleksandr Gorin∙ … ∙ Adam Schauer∙ Alexander Hoffmann∙ Savaş Tay
Cell Systems  Published:February 11, 2025

Graphical abstract

免疫システムが「記憶」を形成する新たな仕組みを発見(Researchers Uncover a Surprising New Way the Immune System ‘Remembers’)


  • Macrophages encode memory in NF-κB activation and chromatin accessibility dynamics
  • Information on prior stimuli is encoded in individual macrophages
  • In vivo systemic inflammation reshapes NF-κB activation dynamics in adult macrophages
  • Deep learning on NF-κB and chromatin features predicts memory-conditioned transcription


Cells of the immune system operate in dynamic microenvironments where the timing, concentration, and order of signaling molecules constantly change. Despite this complexity, immune cells manage to communicate accurately and control inflammation and infection. It is unclear how these dynamic signals are encoded and decoded and if individual cells retain the memory of past exposure to inflammatory molecules. Here, we use live-cell analysis, ATAC sequencing, and an in vivo model of sepsis to show that sequential inflammatory signals induce memory in individual macrophages through reprogramming the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) network and the chromatin accessibility landscape. We use transcriptomic profiling and deep learning to show that transcription factor and chromatin dynamics coordinate fine-tuned macrophage responses to new inflammatory signals. This work demonstrates how macrophages retain the memory of previous signals despite single-cell variability and elucidates the mechanisms of signal-induced memory in dynamic inflammatory conditions like sepsis.
