2025-03-19 ジョージア工科大学
- https://research.gatech.edu/natures-time-machine-how-long-term-studies-unlock-evolutions-secrets
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-025-08597-9
長期的研究が進化に関するユニークな洞察をもたらす Long-term studies provide unique insights into evolution
James T. Stroud & William C. Ratcliff
Nature Published:19 March 2025
From experimental evolution in the laboratory to sustained measurements of natural selection in the wild, long-term studies have revolutionized our understanding of evolution. By directly investigating evolutionary dynamics in real time, these approaches have provided unparallelled insights into the complex interplay between evolutionary process and pattern. These approaches can reveal oscillations, stochastic fluctuations and systematic trends that unfold over extended periods, expose critical time lags between environmental shifts and population responses, and illuminate how subtle effects may accumulate into significant evolutionary patterns. Long-term studies can also reveal otherwise cryptic trends that unfold over extended periods, and offer the potential for serendipity: observing rare events that spur new evolutionary hypotheses and research directions. Despite the challenges of conducting long-term research, exacerbated by modern funding landscapes favouring short-term projects, the contributions of long-term studies to evolutionary biology are indispensable. This is particularly true in our rapidly changing, human-dominated world, where such studies offer a crucial window into how environmental changes and altered species interactions shape evolutionary trajectories. In this Review article, we showcase the groundbreaking discoveries of long-term evolutionary studies, underscoring their crucial role in advancing our understanding of the complex nature of evolution across multiple systems and timescales.