2025-03-24 ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学(JHU)
- https://hub.jhu.edu/2025/03/24/nih-funding-mounya-elhilali-smart-stethoscope/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-024-07096-3
フェレットのカクテルパーティーにおける混合音声に対する皮質反応の時間的コヒーレンス形成 Temporal coherence shapes cortical responses to speech mixtures in a ferret cocktail party
Neha Joshi,Wing Yiu Ng,Karan Thakkar,Daniel Duque,Pingbo Yin,Jonathan Fritz,Mounya Elhilali & Shihab Shamma
Communications Biology Published:25 October 2024
Perceptual segregation of complex sounds such as speech and music simultaneously emanating from multiple sources is a remarkable ability that is common in humans and other animals alike. Unlike animal physiological experiments with simplified sounds or human investigations with spatially broad imaging techniques, this study combines insights from animal single-unit recordings with segregation of speech-like sound mixtures. Ferrets are trained to attend to a female voice and detect a target word, both in presence and absence of a concurrent equally salient male voice. Recordings are made in primary and secondary auditory cortical fields, and in frontal cortex. During task performance, representation of the female words becomes enhanced relative to the male in all, but especially in higher cortical regions. Analysis of the temporal and spectral response characteristics during task performance reveals how speech segregation gradually emerges in the auditory cortex. A computational model evaluated on the same voice mixtures replicates and extends these results to different attentional targets (attention to female or male voices). These findings underscore the role of the principle of temporal coherence whereby attention to a target voice binds together all neural responses coherently modulated with the target, thus ultimately forming and extracting a common auditory stream.