尿路結石の再発と腸内細菌叢、慢性炎症との関連性(Recurrent UTIs linked to gut microbiome, chronic inflammation)


抗生物質がマイクロバイオームを破壊し、さらなる尿路結石のリスクを増加させる可能性 Antibiotics may increase risk of further UTIs by disrupting microbiome

2022-05-02 ワシントン大学セントルイス

この研究は、5月2日発行のNature Microbiologyに掲載されています。


女性における腸内細菌叢の異常と尿路感染症の再発を縦断的なマルチオミクス解析で関連付ける Longitudinal multi-omics analyses link gut microbiome dysbiosis with recurrent urinary tract infections in women

Colin J. Worby,Henry L. Schreiber IV,Timothy J. Straub,Lucas R. van Dijk,Ryan A. Bronson,Benjamin S. Olson,Jerome S. Pinkner,Chloe L. P. Obernuefemann,Vanessa L. Muñoz,Alexandra E. Paharik,Philippe N. Azimzadeh,Bruce J. Walker,Christopher A. Desjardins,Wen-Chi Chou,Karla Bergeron,Sinéad B. Chapman,Aleksandra Klim,Abigail L. Manson,Thomas J. Hannan,Thomas M. Hooton,Andrew L. Kau,H. Henry Lai,Karen W. Dodson,Scott J. Hultgren & Ashlee M. Earl
Nature Microbiology  Published: 02 May 2022

extended data figure 1


Recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTIs) are a major health burden worldwide, with history of infection being a significant risk factor. While the gut is a known reservoir for uropathogenic bacteria, the role of the microbiota in rUTI remains unclear. We conducted a year-long study of women with (n = 15) and without (n = 16) history of rUTI, from whom we collected urine, blood and monthly faecal samples for metagenomic and transcriptomic interrogation. During the study 24 UTIs were reported, with additional samples collected during and after infection. The gut microbiome of individuals with a history of rUTI was significantly depleted in microbial richness and butyrate-producing bacteria compared with controls, reminiscent of other inflammatory conditions. However, Escherichia coli gut and bladder populations were comparable between cohorts in both relative abundance and phylogroup. Transcriptional analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells revealed expression profiles indicative of differential systemic immunity between cohorts. Altogether, these results suggest that rUTI susceptibility is in part mediated through the gut–bladder axis, comprising gut dysbiosis and differential immune response to bacterial bladder colonization, manifesting in symptoms.

