成人の脳が遺伝性失明から部分的に回復する可能性を実証。 UCI team demonstrates the adult brain has the potential to partially recover from inherited blindness
2022-10-05 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)
- https://news.uci.edu/2022/10/05/eye-opening-discovery-about-adult-brains-ability-to-recover-vision/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098222201449X?via%3Dihub
レチノイド療法は網膜変性成体マウスの眼球特異的な皮質反応を回復させる Retinoid therapy restores eye-specific cortical responses in adult mice with retinal degeneration
Carey Y.L.Huh,Henri Leinonen,Taylor Nakayama,Julia R.Tomasello,Jianye Zhang,Jack Zeitoun,John P.Peach,Maximilian Halabi,Jianying Z.Kiser,Krzysztof Palczewski,Philip D.Kiser,Sunil P.Gandhi
Current Biology Published: September 23, 2022
- •A synthetic retinoid was administered to an adult mouse model of retinal degeneration
- •Retinoid treatment partially restored retinal light sensitivity and optomotor response
- •Retinoid restored eye-specific responses in V1 via ipsilateral-eye signal enhancement
- •Retinoid treatment restored arousal-mediated V1 modulation
Despite the recent emergence of multiple cellular and molecular strategies to restore vision in retinal disorders, it remains unclear to what extent central visual circuits can recover when retinal defects are corrected in adulthood. We addressed this question in an Lrat-/- mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) in which retinal light sensitivity and optomotor responses are partially restored by 9-cis-retinyl acetate administration in adulthood. Following treatment, two-photon calcium imaging revealed increases in the number and response amplitude of visually responsive neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1). In particular, retinoid treatment enhanced responses from the ipsilateral eye, restoring the normal balance of eye-specific responses in V1. Additionally, the treatment rescued the modulation of cortical responses by arousal. These findings illustrate the significant plasticity of the adult central visual system and underscore the therapeutic potential of retinoid administration for adults with retinal diseases.