ロイヤルティカードのデータで卵巣がんの症状を早期に発見できる可能性(Loyalty card data could help to identify ovarian cancer symptoms sooner)


市販薬の購入に関するロイヤルティカードのデータが、卵巣がんの早期発見に役立つ可能性があることが、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン主導の研究で示唆された。 Loyalty card data on over-the-counter medicine purchases could help spot ovarian cancer cases earlier, an Imperial College London-led study suggests.

2023-01-26 インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(ICL)

◆JMIR Public Health and Surveillanceに掲載された、がんに関する初めての研究では、卵巣がんの診断と、鎮痛剤や制酸剤などの消化促進剤などの市販の鎮痛・消化不良薬の購入歴に関連性があるかどうかが調べられた。
◆本研究の主執筆者であるインペリアル大学外科・癌科のJames Flanagan博士は、次のように述べています。「私たちが探している癌の症状は非常に一般的ですが、一部の女性にとっては、より深刻な何かの最初の兆候である可能性があります。


Cancer Loyalty Card Study(CLOCS)における市販薬の購入と卵巣がん診断の関連性:観察的ケースコントロール研究 Association Between Purchase of Over-the-Counter Medications and Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis in the Cancer Loyalty Card Study (CLOCS): Observational Case-Control Study

Hannah R Brewe,;  Yasemin Hirst,  Marc Chadeau-Hyam,  Eric Johnson,  Sudha Sundar,  James M Flanagan
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance  Published : 26.1.2023


Background:Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are frequently used to self-care for nonspecific ovarian cancer symptoms prior to diagnosis. Monitoring such purchases may provide an opportunity for earlier diagnosis.

Objective:The aim of the Cancer Loyalty Card Study (CLOCS) was to investigate purchases of OTC pain and indigestion medications prior to ovarian cancer diagnosis in women with and without ovarian cancer in the United Kingdom using loyalty card data.

Methods:An observational case-control study was performed comparing purchases of OTC pain and indigestion medications prior to diagnosis in women with (n=153) and without (n=120) ovarian cancer using loyalty card data from two UK-based high street retailers. Monthly purchases of pain and indigestion medications for cases and controls were compared using the Fisher exact test, conditional logistic regression, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis.

Results:Pain and indigestion medication purchases were increased among cases 8 months before diagnosis, with maximum discrimination between cases and controls 8 months before diagnosis (Fisher exact odds ratio [OR] 2.9, 95% CI 2.1-4.1). An increase in indigestion medication purchases was detected up to 9 months before diagnosis (adjusted conditional logistic regression OR 1.38, 95% CI 1.04-1.83). The ROC analysis for indigestion medication purchases showed a maximum area under the curve (AUC) at 13 months before diagnosis (AUC=0.65, 95% CI 0.57-0.73), which further improved when stratified to late-stage ovarian cancer (AUC=0.68, 95% CI 0.59-0.78).

Conclusions:There is a difference in purchases of pain and indigestion medications among women with and without ovarian cancer up to 8 months before diagnosis. Facilitating earlier presentation among those who self-care for symptoms using this novel data source could improve ovarian cancer patients’ options for treatment and improve survival.

Trial Registration:ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03994653; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0399465

