キスぺプチンホルモン注射で女性や男性の性欲減退を治療できる可能性(Kisspeptin hormone injection could treat low sex drive in women and men)


キスペプチンというホルモンが、性欲減退に悩む女性や男性の治療に使える可能性があることが、2つの新しい研究で示された。 The hormone kisspeptin could be used to treat women and men distressed by their low sexual desire, according to two new studies.

2023-02-03 インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(ICL)

◆JAMA Network Openに掲載されたこの2つの研究は、低活動性性欲障害(HSDD)の女性および男性にキスペプチンを投与することで、性的反応を高めることができることを明らかにしたものです。HSDDは、全世界で女性の10%、男性の8%が罹患し、心理的・社会的に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。
◆この研究は、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンとインペリアル・カレッジ・ヘルスケアNHSトラストの臨床医と科学者が中心となって行いました。この研究は、国立医療研究機関(NIHR)インペリアル生物医学研究センター(NIHR-Imperial BRC)および英国研究革新省の一部である医学研究評議会から資金提供を受けたものです。


低活動性性欲障害男性におけるキスペプチンの性的脳内処理および陰茎膨張に及ぼす影響について 無作為化臨床試験 Effects of Kisspeptin on Sexual Brain Processing and Penile Tumescence in Men With Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial

Edouard G. Mills, Natalie Ertl, Matthew B. Wall, Layla Thurston,Lisa Yang, MD, Sofiya Suladze, Tia Hunjan, Maria Phylactou, Bijal Patel, Beatrice Muzi, MSc1; Dena Ettehad, Paul A. Bassett, Jonathan Howard,Eugenii A. Rabiner,Paul Bech, Ali Abbara,David Goldmeier, Alexander N. Comninos, Waljit S. Dhillo
JAMA Network Open  Published:February 3, 2023
DOI:. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.54313

キスぺプチンホルモン注射で女性や男性の性欲減退を治療できる可能性(Kisspeptin hormone injection could treat low sex drive in women and men)

Key Points

Question Does kisspeptin administration modulate sexual brain processing in men with low sexual desire due to hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)?

Findings In this randomized clinical trial of 32 men with HSDD, kisspeptin administration significantly modulated brain activity in key structures of the sexual-processing network vs placebo and increased sexual behavior and penile tumescence in response to visual sexual stimuli.

Meaning These data provide early promise of efficacy for the pharmacological use of kisspeptin-based therapeutics as a treatment for men with low sexual desire.



Importance The human physiological sexual response is crucial for reward, satisfaction, and reproduction. Disruption of the associated neurophysiological pathways predisposes to low sexual desire; the most prevalent psychological form is hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), which affects 8% of men but currently has no effective pharmacological treatment options. The reproductive neuropeptide kisspeptin offers a putative therapeutic target, owing to emerging understanding of its role in reproductive behavior.

Objective To determine the physiological, behavioral, neural, and hormonal effects of kisspeptin administration in men with HSDD.

Design, Setting, and Participants This double-blind, 2-way crossover, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial was performed at a single academic research center in the UK. Eligible participants were right-handed heterosexual men with HSDD. Physiological, behavioral, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and hormonal analyses were used to investigate the clinical and mechanistic effects of kisspeptin administration in response to visual sexual stimuli (short and long video tasks). The trial was conducted between January 11 and September 15, 2021, and data analysis was performed between October and November 2021.

Interventions Participants attended 2 study visits at least 7 days apart, in balanced random order, for intravenous infusion of kisspeptin-54 (1 nmol/kg/h) for 75 minutes or for administration of a rate-matched placebo.

Main Outcomes and Measures Changes in (1) brain activity on whole-brain analysis, as determined by fMRI blood oxygen level–dependent activity in response to visual sexual stimuli during kisspeptin administration compared with placebo, (2) physiological sexual arousal (penile tumescence), and (3) behavioral measures of sexual desire and arousal.

Results Of the 37 men randomized, 32 completed the trial. Participants had a mean (SD) age of 37.9 (8.6) years and a mean (SD) body mass index of 24.9 (5.4). On viewing sexual videos, kisspeptin significantly modulated brain activity in key structures of the sexual-processing network on whole-brain analysis compared with placebo (mean absolute change [Cohen d] = 0.81 [95% CI, 0.41-1.21]; P =  .003). Furthermore, improvements in several secondary analyses were observed, including significant increases in penile tumescence in response to sexual stimuli (by up to 56% more than placebo; mean difference = 0.28 units [95% CI, 0.04-0.52 units]; P = .02) and behavioral measures of sexual desire—most notably, increased happiness about sex (mean difference = 0.63 points [95% CI, 0.10-1.15 points]; P = .02).

Conclusions and Relevance Collectively, this randomized clinical trial provides the first evidence to date showing that kisspeptin administration substantially modulates sexual brain processing in men with HSDD, with associated increases in penile tumescence and behavioral measures of sexual desire and arousal. These data suggest that kisspeptin has potential as the first pharmacological treatment for men with low sexual desire.

Trial Registration isrctn.org Identifier: ISRCTN17271094

低活動性性欲障害の女性におけるキスペプチン投与の効果について 無作為化臨床試験 Effects of Kisspeptin Administration in Women With Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial

Layla Thurston, Tia Hunjan,Natalie Ertl, Matthew B. Wall, Edouard G. Mills, Sofiya Suladze, Bjial Patel, Emma C. Alexander, Beatrice Muzi, Paul A. Bassett, Eugenii A. Rabiner, Paul Bech, David Goldmeier, Ali Abbara, MD, PhD1; Alexander N. Comninos, Waljit S. Dhillo
JAMA Network Open  Published:October 26, 2022

Key Points

Question Does kisspeptin administration improve sexual and attraction brain processing in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder?

Findings In this randomized clinical trial including 32 premenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, kisspeptin administration was found to modulate sexual and attraction brain processing in functional neuroimaging, psychometric, and hormonal analyses. Furthermore, kisspeptin’s modulation of brain processing correlated with psychometric measures of sexual aversion and associated distress.

Meaning These findings lay the foundations for the clinical applications of kisspeptin in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder.


Importance Despite being the most common female sexual health complaint worldwide, current treatment options for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) are limited in their safety and effectiveness. The hormone kisspeptin is a key endogenous activator of the reproductive hormonal axis with additional emerging roles in sexual and emotional behavior; however, its effects in women with HSDD are unknown.

Objective To test the hypothesis that kisspeptin enhances sexual and attraction brain processing in women with HSDD.

Design, Setting, and Participants This randomized clinical trial was double-masked and placebo controlled with a 2-way crossover. The trial was conducted in a university research setting in the UK from October 2020 to April 2021. Eligible participants were premenopausal women with HSDD. Functional neuroimaging, psychometric, and hormonal analyses were employed to investigate the effects of kisspeptin administration on brain processing, in response to erotic stimuli (erotic videos) and facial attraction (face images of varying attractiveness). Data were analyzed from May to December 2021.

Interventions A 75-minute intravenous infusion of kisspeptin-54 (1 nmol/kg/h) vs equivalent-rate placebo infusion.

Main Outcomes and Measures Blood oxygen level–dependent responses across the whole brain and regions of interest during kisspeptin vs placebo administration in response to erotic and facial attraction stimuli.

Results Of the 40 participants who were randomized, 32 women completed both kisspeptin and placebo visits, with a mean (SE) age of 29.2 (1.2) years. Kisspeptin administration resulted in modulations in sexual and facial attraction brain processing (deactivation of the left inferior frontal gyrus: Z max, 3.76; P = .01; activation of the right postcentral and supramarginal gyrus: Z max, 3.73; P < .001; deactivation of the right temporoparietal junction: Z max 4.08; P = .02). Furthermore, positive correlations were observed between kisspeptin-enhanced hippocampal activity in response to erotic videos, and baseline distress relating to sexual function (r = 0.469; P = .007). Kisspeptin’s enhancement of posterior cingulate cortex activity in response to attractive male faces also correlated with reduced sexual aversion, providing additional functional significance (r = 0.476, P = .005). Kisspeptin was well-tolerated with no reported adverse effects.

Conclusions and Relevance These findings lay the foundations for clinical applications for kisspeptin in women with HSDD.

Trial Registration ISRCTN trial registry identifier: ISRCTN17271094
