幸せなミミズは健康な卵を産む(Happy worms have healthy eggs)


抗うつ薬が生殖器の老化を遅らせる可能性を示唆する研究結果 Study hints that antidepressants could help slow reproductive aging

2023-05-04 ノースウェスタン大学

◆この発見は、不妊治療に対する新しい薬剤介入の可能性を提供し、人間の卵子の質を改善し、生殖の老化の始まりを遅らせることができます。この研究は、Developmental Biology誌に掲載されます。


セロトニン作動性シグナルは、卵子の品質向上に深く保存された役割を果たす Serotonergic signaling plays a deeply conserved role in improving oocyte quality

Erin Z. Aprison, Svetlana Dzitoyeva, Ilya Ruvinsky
Developmental Biology  Available online: 28 April 2023

幸せなミミズは健康な卵を産む(Happy worms have healthy eggs)


Declining germline quality is a major cause of reproductive senescence. Potential remedies could be found by studying regulatory pathways that promote germline quality. Several lines of evidence, including a C. elegans male pheromone ascr#10 that counteracts the effects of germline aging in hermaphrodites, suggest that the nervous system plays an important role in regulating germline quality. Inspired by the fact that serotonin mediates ascr#10 signaling, here we show that serotonin reuptake inhibitors recapitulate the effects of ascr#10 on the germline and promote healthy oocyte aging in C. elegans. Surprisingly, we found that pharmacological increase of serotonin signaling stimulates several developmental processes in D. melanogaster, including improved oocyte quality, although underlying mechanisms appear to be different between worms and flies. Our results reveal a plausibly conserved role for serotonin in maintaining germline quality and identify a class of therapeutic interventions using available compounds that could efficiently forestall reproductive aging.
