体液の流れが腸内微生物の社会生活を形作る(Flowing fluids shape the social life of gut microbes)


2023-07-04 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

体液の流れが腸内微生物の社会生活を形作る(Flowing fluids shape the social life of gut microbes)The gut commensals Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and B. fragilis form biofilms in crypt-like features. Credit: Jeremy Wong (EPFL)



体液の流れは、公共財を分配することによって腸内細菌叢のバイオフィルム・コミュニティを構造化する Fluid flow structures gut microbiota biofilm communities by distributing public goods

Jeremy P. H. Wong, Michaela Fischer-Stettler, Samuel C. Zeeman, Tom J. Battin, and Alexandre Persat
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:June 12, 2023


The gut microbiota plays crucial roles in host health, from metabolism to immunity. To colonize the gastrointestinal tract, commensals must maintain stability against chemical and physical factors such as flow. How these factors define the composition and organization of gut communities is unclear. To resolve the coupling between flow and social interaction in microbiota communities, we leveraged anaerobic microfluidics. We used Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Bacteroides fragilis, two of the most abundant commensals in the human bowel. We demonstrated that they form biofilms and engage in metabolite sharing. Fluid flow impacts the spatial organization and composition of this community by shaping gradients of nutrients. Our results show that physical factors can have dramatic impacts on microbiota composition and potentially on health.


Bacterial gut commensals experience a biologically and physically complex mucosal environment. While many chemical factors mediate the composition and structure of these microbial communities, less is known about the role of mechanics. Here, we demonstrate that fluid flow impacts the spatial organization and composition of gut biofilm communities by shaping how different species interact metabolically. We first demonstrate that a model community composed of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt) and Bacteroides fragilis (Bf), two representative human commensals, can form robust biofilms in flow. We identified dextran as a polysaccharide readily metabolized by Bt but not Bf, but whose fermentation generates a public good enabling Bf growth. By combining simulations with experiments, we demonstrate that in flow, Bt biofilms share dextran metabolic by-products, promoting Bf biofilm formation. By transporting this public good, flow structures the spatial organization of the community, positioning the Bf population downstream from Bt. We show that sufficiently strong flows abolish Bf biofilm formation by limiting the effective public good concentration at the surface. Physical factors such as flow may therefore contribute to the composition of intestinal microbial communities, potentially impacting host health.
