気候変動による絶滅のペースが加速していることが明らかになった。(The pace of climate-driven extinction is accelerating, a UArizona-led study shows)


2023-09-18 アリゾナ大学

The Yarrow's spiny lizardA Yarrow’s spiny lizard spotted at Canelo Hills, Arizona
John J. Wiens



ごく最近の気候変動に伴う局地的絶滅の加速 Accelerating local extinction associated with very recent climate change

Kim L. Holzmann, Ramona L. Walls, John J. Wiens
Ecology Letters Published: 18 September 2023


Climate change has already caused local extinction in many plants and animals, based on surveys spanning many decades. As climate change accelerates, the pace of these extinctions may also accelerate, potentially leading to large-scale, species-level extinctions. We tested this hypothesis in a montane lizard. We resurveyed 18 mountain ranges in 2021–2022 after only ~7 years. We found rates of local extinction among the fastest ever recorded, which have tripled in the past ~7 years relative to the preceding ~42 years. Further, climate change generated local extinction in ~7 years similar to that seen in other organisms over ~70 years. Yet, contrary to expectations, populations at two of the hottest sites survived. We found that genomic data helped predict which populations survived and which went extinct. Overall, we show the increasing risk to biodiversity posed by accelerating climate change and the opportunity to study its effects over surprisingly brief timescales.

