トキソプラズマ症:感染機構の進化(Toxoplasmosis: evolution of infection machinery)


2024-02-16 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)



進化的解析によりゴルジ体経路が同定され、アピコンプレキサンの膜内小器官の出現と系統特異的因子が相関する Evolutionary analysis identifies a Golgi pathway and correlates lineage-specific factors with endomembrane organelle emergence in apicomplexans

Christen M. Klinger ,Elena Jimenez-Ruiz ,Tobias Mourier,… Arnab Pain,Joel B. Dacks,Markus Meissner
Cell Reports  Published:February 15, 2024


•Many lineage-specific membrane-trafficking paralogs exist in the apicomplexans

•Myzozoan-specific ArlX3 mediates post-Golgi transport to micronemes and rhoptries

•Emergence of paralogs coincides with new organelles or pathways in this lineage


The organelle paralogy hypothesis (OPH) aims to explain the evolution of non-endosymbiotically derived organelles. It predicts that lineage-specific pathways or organelles should result when identity-encoding membrane-trafficking components duplicate and co-evolve. Here, we investigate the presence of such lineage-specific membrane-trafficking machinery paralogs in Apicomplexa, a globally important parasitic lineage. We are able to identify 18 paralogs of known membrane-trafficking machinery, in several cases co-incident with the presence of new endomembrane organelles in apicomplexans or their parent lineage, the Alveolata. Moreover, focused analysis of the apicomplexan Arf-like small GTPases (i.e., ArlX3) revealed a specific post-Golgi trafficking pathway. This pathway appears involved in delivery of proteins to micronemes and rhoptries, with knockdown demonstrating reduced invasion capacity. Overall, our data have identified an unforeseen post-Golgi trafficking pathway in apicomplexans and are consistent with the OPH mechanism acting to produce endomembrane pathways or organelles at various evolutionary stages across the alveolate lineage.

Graphical abstract

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