タンパク質と脂肪がインスリン分泌を促進する可能性、オーダーメイド栄養への道を開く(Proteins and fats can drive insulin production for some, paving way for tailored nutrition)


2024-07-02 カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)

ブリティッシュコロンビア大学の新研究によると、血糖値管理には炭水化物の他にタンパク質や脂肪も重要です。Cell Metabolism誌に発表されたこの研究は、炭水化物、タンパク質、脂肪に対するインスリン生成の個人差を初めて大規模に比較しました。研究は140人のドナーの膵島細胞を対象に行われ、炭水化物への反応が最も強い一方、約9%はタンパク質、8%は脂肪に強い反応を示しました。これは脂肪がインスリン放出に無視できない影響を持つという従来の考えを覆します。この知見は、個別の栄養指導や糖尿病管理に役立つ可能性があります。


健康および疾患における個別栄養特異的インスリン分泌のプロテオーム予測因子 Proteomic predictors of individualized nutrient-specific insulin secretion in health and disease

Jelena Kolic,WenQing Grace Sun,Haoning Howard Cen,…,Leonard J. Foster,Patrick E. MacDonald,James D. Johnson
Cell Metabolism  Published:July 02, 202

Graphical abstract

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  • Insulin secretion to 3 model macronutrients in 140 human islet donors is defined
  • Deep phenotyping and multi-omics reveal personalized nutrient-specific insulin release
  • A subset of donors with a unique proteome exhibits large insulin responses to lipids
  • Nutrient responsiveness in stem cell-derived islets is dysregulated


Population-level variation and mechanisms behind insulin secretion in response to carbohydrate, protein, and fat remain uncharacterized. We defined prototypical insulin secretion responses to three macronutrients in islets from 140 cadaveric donors, including those with type 2 diabetes. The majority of donors’ islets exhibited the highest insulin response to glucose, moderate response to amino acid, and minimal response to fatty acid. However, 9% of donors’ islets had amino acid responses, and 8% had fatty acid responses that were larger than their glucose-stimulated insulin responses. We leveraged this heterogeneity and used multi-omics to identify molecular correlates of nutrient responsiveness, as well as proteins and mRNAs altered in type 2 diabetes. We also examined nutrient-stimulated insulin release from stem cell-derived islets and observed responsiveness to fat but not carbohydrate or protein—potentially a hallmark of immaturity. Understanding the diversity of insulin responses to carbohydrate, protein, and fat lays the groundwork for personalized nutrition.

